    When people flirt do you think they would like to have sex with that person, or are they simply having fun?

    +11  Views: 1798 Answers: 23 Posted: 13 years ago
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    23 Answers

    both  flirt to get aquainted then friendship and maybe sex

    It is possible at the back of their mind a little fantasy goes with flirting, you usually flirt with some one you like.

    I'm a flirt and usually don't know I'm doing it so, I'll just say "for fun"..........



    JOIN US Ducky. Flirt flirt flirt

    Oh really...I couldn' :)

    I think it could be either. There are no rules regarding flirting that are carved in stone.


    Perhaps the most important thing here, would be in maintaining respect to your spouse or partner. You'd also have to be careful of not falsely leading someone on, or things could turn bad if you find yourself having to reject someone's advances.

    I am a huge flirt.. I mean HUGE!!!!!! I would not cross that line although the thought might. But I am desprately in love with my hubby. So no I dont want to have sex with ppl I flirt with.

     I've been told I am a notorious flirt.  IF that is so, it would  be for fun, with the potential for spending more time with someone, which could lead to a romantic relationship, which could lead to sex.   Men are often not subtle or flirtatious, but more direct in their advances.


    You are a flirt.
    It takes one to know one.

    again, I am in the best of company! ;D

    Bad, bad girls...I'm watching you!

    JOIN US!

    They are flurting because they want to create the opportunity to open a relationship, sexual or not.


    Sometimes yes...sometimes no.

    My guess is both, i think when guys flirt they really looking for sex, women on the other hand..??

    I think both.  Me personally not really a flirt but a kidder to try to lighten up I love to make someone smile or laugh.

    Not a good idea if you are married, unless it is with your wife................................

    Mostley for fun

    Camels flirt for fun as do chimps, bluejays (cat birds), and snails.  Gorrillas, pandas and chicadees only flirt to get laid/ excuse me! To procreate.


    Ha Ha Doctor D!

    Of course I had to refer to the animals! I don't pretend to know the reason why people do things- too many agendas!

    I don't ever remember flirting with a woman I didn't find attractive. I think men take their flirting more seriously.

    Women seem to be seeking attention, or being more playful with it...

    Either way if you flirt think of what your husband or wife would say if they saw a video of how you flirt with other people...... Would they care, be hurt or offended?  How would you feel if saw a video of your hubby or wife flirting at the office or grocery store???



    Colleen seriously, what do think about this. i do treasure your viewpoints.

    Both. Depends on the person. Some for fun, some for more than fun.

    I know I am a flirt.... it's just one of those things.  I don't mean anything by it at all.  Life is funny and cute ... and the rest happens.

    If it's an unmarried man, sex with you---the woman,  has definately crossed his mind.   If he's married, and he doesn't want to screw up his marriage, then he's just flirting with you ( the woman )  for recreation and attention. Men LOVE to flirt with waitresses. They think they're open game.

    Wife doesn't flirt if were out for the night. I don't "Hit on woman" if I'm with her. Don't know what she does when I'm not around. She probably behaves. I don't frequent bars, so I don't have anyone flirting with me.

    perhaps a little of both, a friend of mine is an outrageous flirt, but I know she means no harm

    Ive got to say for fun!!!!Ill put my hands up!i can flirt with men and women but its all a game !!Dont want to jump into bed with them!!

    I think they are mostly having fun.

    People ALWAYS think about sex - especially men.  If we could find the statistics our eyeballs would spin @@ , our tails would curl, and our little ears would stand at attention.

    Flirting is not a safe activity if you’re married. Ho No!              ok, I’m guessing a little


    I read all the other answers and now I’m embarassed. Maybe I mispoke!!

    I flirt with everyone jovially. 

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