    Which one hurts the most: get your heart broken, rejected by someone you love or betrayal by your best friends that you trust much?

    I ask b/c I get betrayed by my 2 friends -My close friends for crying out loud !

    +7  Views: 889 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    The broken heart/betrayal... a doosey if you ask me. 

    betrayal by your best friends and co-workers that i trusted  too much.  broken hearts are difficult to mend.

    Betrayed by your best friend has got to be the worse, no doubt....


    Not once but twice, the killer!

    sorry to hear that's sad ....makes you wonder ...

    I am with Daren on this one a best friend


    i guess it makes you wonder if they really were your friend

    Makes me wonder why I don't stop friending her

    Daren so true! oxox

    pej dont be so hard on your selve we have all been there and we get over it ntil the next time! bt we learn from this so its not wasted xxx

    Heart Broken



    Thank you. I haven't gotten over my broken heart yet. Sad

    Sounds like all 3 involve the heart. No difference. 

    Someone asked a question here about do you trust anybody.My answer was "No".I don't trust anyone 100%.Some I trust more than others but never 100%. I have been crapped on too many times.


    I never put my trust on people 100% either, heck I don't even trust myself completely sometimes.

    I don't think I would care for any of them, Ive experienced all, as probably most here have, I'm very careful now and tend to keep people at arms length until I know them really well

    Sounds like you might be talking about the same person in all.


    not same, two different people, thought they're truly friends.

    Well, my dear, I have been dealing with all three rolled into one for several months and am trying to decide which is hurting more;   I keep coming back to losing a friend I loved and how brokenhearted I am.  I can't help feeling rejected.  The friendship was solid and I trusted my life with this friend (who knew that).  It appears our definitions of "friend" were different.   
    Aren't you the member who was hanging onto a relationship (A), trying to love again, while your heart was following (B), who didn't know about your feelings?   
    To answer your question:  Losing a friend 


    Yes, I'm trying to love again while getting my heart broken by another... The betrayal by friends is related to different people/friends (has nothing to do w/ previous statements/questions posted)...'Sorry for any confusions.

    Hurts no matter how you slice it. :(

    This is a tough one to answer! But the loss of a friend after an awful betrayal is worse- much worse! especially if that friend was also your love,

    Betrayal hurts more.  Broken heart?  No problem, find a new one to "mend this broken heart."


    I think the wost is when you get your heart broken by your wife because she was cheating on you with your best friend(and, or ) brother. Sounds like a country song to me....and your dog rejected you to move in with them. Mostly I believe it is broken trust that hurts the most, so yeah I'd say betrayal...

    Doolittles right,its a difficult one.But for me the killer would be betrayal by a friend.Actually,ive had that done to me ,but now look back and think "***** you!!"


    not ***** them, instead May God bless both of them, maybe they're deserved each other after all. I think I'm about done w/ these games they play, whatever they are.

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