    Did you hear about the woman in oklahoma that shot an intruder ? Could you kill an intruder ?

    Yes i could. You have to learn to protect yourself, or you would become a victim. People that steal from you are not scared to die or scared to hurt you. Good for that lady, one less scumbag in society.

    +8  Views: 968 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    If I felt threatened I could shoot him (her)...........

    If the intruder was armed I'd first try to flea If I couldn't leave then I guess I wouldn't have much choice!

    You bet your sweet bippy I would.

    Yes I heard and yes I would. I do not have a shot gun for show. 

    Did you know she is only 18 years old and has an infant? She protected her baby. That was her only concern. Good for her in being able to fire her gun. 


    Threaten a baby and Mammas get MEAN!!!

    Did you hear rest of story Colleen. Husband died of cancer on christmas day, intruder going after the pain pills in mobilhome. Husband only about 18-20 i think.

    I dd not hear about the husband. Very sad. She's s strong woman.

    looks like the intruder was no stranger to this woman, seems like he knew exactly what he was after..

    If it came down to "kill or be killed' the answer is obvious everyone has the right (or should) to defend themselves ..

    Someone breaking into your house, knowing you are in there, is not there with good intent . I wouldn't exactly have to think it over. It would be a matter of getting them before they get you. The only thing I'd regret is the fact they put me in the position of having to do it, and having to clean up the mess and legal issues. It's a shame someone can't be in their own home, minding their own business, and not be left alone.

    I take my hat off to this woman good for her! I wouldnt think twice if somebody broke into the house!

    Oh yeah forgot to add I would not be dumb enough to call 911 and ask for permission first!!!!


    The call to 911 got the police dispatched, and also left no doubt that it was a break-in vs. a planned murder.

    An intruder here would be shot. People who break in your home are useless and a lot of them are druggies who have no sense at all!

    A no brainer here. Your dead.

    In 1999 a farmer in Norfolk UK  named Tony Martin shot two intruders, one died and the other was injured. Both had long criminal records. Martin was charged with murder, later reduced to manslaughter. He served a prison sentence and his case became a cause celebre. Worth reading his Wikipedia entry.


    Justice at it worst.

    Wheres the ACLU defending these scumbags


    ACLU: Asses, Clueless, Looney, Useless

    I would if I had to.If my life or my family`s life was threatened.

    As long as it wasn't my idiot son, yes, I would shoot if my life were threatened.  Otherwise, I would hold the bastard at gunpoint and call the cops.  
    My idiot son wouldn't threaten my life, so I'd just call the cops on him. Yep, you bet I would. 

    Damn, i just saw she had a double barrel shot gun. She is a strong woman. Bet she didnt vote for obama.

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