    How could 911 leave me on hold, while my husband was having a heart attack? It took her 15 min, to come back to the phone. And took the amb,45 minutes to get to my house. Tell me why was that? My husband passed away on that day. Lord help me.

    +2  Views: 998 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: emergency

    7 Answers

    If there was no natural disaster going on affecting the community or state consult a lawyer. This is worthy of a law suit. I'm sorry for your loss. 

    My sincere sympathy to you and your family. 
    There are times, as Colleen noted, when 911 has its hands full, and ambulances may have been dispatched to a multiple-injury situation.  
    Do contact an attorney who specializes in this kind of tragedy to assist you in determining the best course of action.  
    God bless.   

    I am sorry for your loss but you really need to be speaking to a lawyer now thank god the police record everything I think you have good case


    Dont count on that melanie

    zorro yea I know what you mean but what else can you say that is possitive! oxox

    Lawyer up now. Sorry about your husband.

    Nothing i say could change your situation, but you are going through a very tramatic experience and really hope you eventually find some comforting closure . I hope you have some close family to assist you . Take care and keep us posted here. You will find total strangers here that do care .

    Im so sorry to hear of your loss and feel it may be a case of medical negligence

    i am so sorry to here your loss but you have to accept his death and maybe she put you on hold because of something way more important and i am not saying his death was not in important it was and he could be in heaven right now living his dream

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