    how to stream computer to L G blue ray

    I have computer and would like to view internet movies on the L G  tv   using the blue ray unit

    0  Views: 576 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    I couldn't find that but I did find a lot of sites for how to do just that without the use of a computer.

    Go up to the top right of your computer screen... in the tool bar that says, "Google" enter the words for your request, hit search and see if any of the sites that appear apply to your request.

    Good luck.

    I couldn't find that but I did find a lot of sites for how to do just that without the use of a computer.

    Go up to the top right of your computer screen... in the tool bar that says, "Google" enter the words for your request, hit search and see if any of the sites that appear apply to your request.

    Good luck.

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