    Is there such a thing as a bad seed

    Meaning one bad apple in a bunch of children

    +6  Views: 1378 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    Oh yea!  my X (soon to be) is def. a bad seed - and I am being nice!

    Yes every family has one, or two or three or four.....

    It is the seed that does not grow and bloom... the seed that tries to make the other seeds around turn moldy as well.  The seed that sends out bad vibes in the garden.

    Hi I posted something like this about children and  go flawed for posting the question any way yes I do think there are bad seeds in everyone but its learning not haow to turn that seed to go bad which we should learn from our parents..... but sometimes that does not always happen like phedo and cruality to children and animals and rape and killing the innocent

    ed shank

    I totally agree. I've witnessed this in several families in my lifetime. Some people are born bad, and stay evil. The X and Y chromozone thing. Have no fear my dear, you definitely have the correct seeds.

    ed shank thank yo I do belive you are right it is do with the chromozones x& y thanks ed oxoxoxoxo

    At one time there were only good seed, but an evil one came along and spread bad seed and so we have weeds all over now even choking us.


    I must say I like the way you dramatically stated that!

    Thank You!Doolittle I must say many people are confuse with all kind of religions in the world,and that what I mean by bad seeds that are choking us.there are bad weeds.

    Ah the bad seed planted bad seed weeds..borrow a goat! LOL

    Just don't swallow everything you hear,"Tk" for your reponse "Doolittle"I might be a bad seed myself until I learn to get reed of the garbage we pick up along our life path.


    I find them all the time in my pumpkin seeds. 


    Only natural....... :-]

    Yes.  They are predestined, for their soul to learn from their more serious life mistakes.   And we learn from them, as well.

    I planted some Greek tomatoe seeds in the garden. Nothing came up, so I guess they were evil seeds.


    Evil evil Greek seeds .... quite possibly the most evil ....

    I believe so, there is some documentation on chromosomal differences in criminals, that is psychopaths, mass murderers, serial killers etc. even some of the more infamous ones have come from a seemingly normal or average backgrounds.


    Hmmm ... I just asked that question. If you answer it, more people people will see the answer - the good answer.

    I saw an old movie a couple of years ago called The Bad Seed. Oh, it was terrifying. The little girl who played the part of The Bad Seed had long blond braids and was just oh-so-perfect looking.

    This was an amazingly deep question. Loved the answers. 


    itsmee,I also saw that movie, very disturbing

    Reminds me of a novel I once read...........(I don't recall the name, sorry.......)


    “The Bad Seed?”

    The potential is there for everyone.  The garden in which it is planted and the ones who tend the garden have a lot to do with the harvest.

    Yes it's one that doesn't germinate. Hitler might be referred to as a "bad seed", but he "Germanated,"  being born in Austria, then moving to Germany.

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