    is it hard to become a pornstar?

    want to get into the industry when i move to miami, little curious?

    0  Views: 483 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    It's probably quite easy to get involved in the porn industry and yet, not become "a star" (whatever that is).  You only need to be well built and not too ugly.  The rest is what you should NOT have...morals, self-esteem, self-pride, good judgement, no fear of STD's, no one who cares about you, no one that you care about, no desire to be respected, no need for much money, no interest in a good job...ever, no thought of reaching the age of 35!  Have you ever seen an aging porn star? 

    ed shank

    I think you hit all the bases.

    Thanks, I tried.

    How well do you think your job interviews will go after you become too old for the porn industry?


    but what if i already had Qualifications to bounce back onto? the age would not be a factor :)

    ...... Well, it's warm in Miami.  One positive thing.

    I'm sure it's pretty easy if you have no morals and care less  about "std's"

    Many years ago a friend introduced me to a dude who made commercials for local businesses. After some conversation he admitted he also did porn. Qualifications: good looks, correctly endowed, between 18-23, total lack of self esteem, devoid of morals. His words.

    excellent feed back, thanks all
    i have a fair  idea on the ups and downs and in and outs with the porn industry, but never have asked the question on how hard would it be to get your foot in the door? i have the assets needed for the job, otherwise i would have not been even considering.. besides im moving from another country, i think it would be a great challenge and experience... but the other question is, how hard is it for a male to go the distance?



    Sounds as though your mind is made up and you are going to try it. Remember this....BAD, BAD, REALLY BAD decision!!!!! There are NO stars and you will be treated disrespectfully! Have you never watched a documentary on the pornography industry? Please open your eyes and ears and LISTEN!

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