7 Answers
Oh Sawali... this is Alien Fish Fry ... I come in peace! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!.... I need to take my serious pill.
Where did I put that bottle?
Did I accidentally recylcle it before finishing that prescription?
Too late!
Dang... I should practice frowning... maybe tomorrow.
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
As I've stated to you before, this is a question and answer site but people are allowed to have fun here. The serious questions get the serious answers they need. You so far are the only person who does not like the members to have fun and interact here in a fun manner. I will again recommend wiki-answers to you. Those members are not allowed to have friendly banter in the questions. They can only answer the question and move to the next.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
If I can't present humor here I gotta go some other place. This site is one of the best. Serious, sensible, interesting, full of funny answers to stupid questions.
I think SAW just would like to try people "smarter" than me and U.
PS Love the dogs
Do you really want an answer to that question or are you just doing a back-handed slam at someone or everyone? Do you like to stir things up, wherever you go?
I really think, sawali, that you might be bright enough to find your way around the internet and see other forums that would be more suitable to you! Can't you figure that out? Try typing into your Google page....free forums. There now, does that help you, dear?
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

Are you serious ?
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
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Close Combat Series - Discuss Atomic's Close Combat games. From CC1 to CC5 ... This forum is for the purpose of discussing computer hardware, problems, and items of general interest. Users are free to ask and contribute their experiences with technical issues. Threads: 627 .... Posts: 482, Topic: Does anyone know wha ...
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |