11 Answers
It sounds like you have low self esteem. You probably search out the wrong kind of guy so you can try to fix him to make yourself feel better. Think about it and quit dating for a while. At least until you get your head and heart together. Good luck. yvonne57
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
It has been proven statistically, that most battered women, keep going back to the perpetrator. When the so called relationship is finished they tend to attract the same kind of personality.
From a laymans point of view, one needs to break the cycle, by defining the type of person one wants in a relationship. This would entail writing down the qualities of desire, similar to goal setting, and would also include writing down the detrimental qualities of your previous relationships, and then burning them or throwing them in the trash. That way one can have a new outlook, and a change of behavior, and one has changed the way they think.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Hm...you talk as though you have no choice in the matter, when in all actuality, you have all the choice in the world. You just need to examine the choices you make a little closer. Some women go through life like they always need a man in their life just to exist...and all they do is pick one loser after another in a long procession of them. I see it around me all the time, and it's always the same ones doing the same thing, over, and over, and over again.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |