If you are going to refer to me ... please change that to Mrs.. I am married.
Have a nice day.
24 Answers
This is a combination of family, community, classroom, and not everybody likes everybody else. Just like real life. For example, your comment about not getting a straight answer is offensive to me.
NOTE: My answer was posted at 9 AM. It is now 6 PM and half my answer is missing, along with a considerable dialogue of comments that followed it. CMA.
To clarify: The comment about not getting a straight answer is offensive to me because I always give a straight answer. Again, my answer has been edited and distorted by that edition.
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Yes like a dysfunctional family, with it's hippies, long haired, short haired, dog lovers, cat lovers, cow lovers, fish lovers, religious nuts, non religious nuts and yes the headless............lol
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
I find they are like friends when I'm alone, its like having someone else around to talk to, I also wonder sometimes when I don't see some of the regular contributors here and hope their o.k as you would a friend, at times I cringe when I see some questions.But find when I'm busy and haven't been here for a couple of days I'm keen to see whats been happening while Ive been gone
13 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
My family is far and wide... serious bunch of coconut aliens as it would seem seeing as I burned to death in Ed Shank's room of hell. Poor Ducka is still feeling the guilt.
What the heck about the underground??? I am suspicious... I need to put the power of mind meld on that one...
Do I know anyone through email? Only Julie and the akaQA intellies when I have a question.
I correspond with the Great and Uber Intellegent... All Knowing Eggplant through my alien sidekick Carl (who will not leave even when the space bus shows up each and every Tuesday morning................ALREADY!) The Eggplant and Carl have a thang going on!
Keep me posted on this clickie-wickie thing.
13 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Not quite family...............
13 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
"You've been down there a long time. What are you looking for? I hope it's not aliens."
"No, it's not aliens,. I'm looking for some akaqa members, who someone said are underground. But I can't find anyone....yet."
"Perhaps you need to dig deeper."
"Then I might suffocate."
"I'll go back and get you a diving suit."
13 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
I know that I can count on this Family (2nd Family) most people on this site have given me sooo much help you will never know they are always there for me .......like I would be there for them I love this site it has saved my sanity most of the time x
13 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
Jh, how do some of you get eachother's email addresses and communicate with each other?. I think there's an underground here, that we're not all privilaged to be in.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
i love this question and i ponder it very ofter. what is akaqa like? i don't really know, but sometimes it reminds me of a big brain that is always trying to figure things out in a humourous and positive manner, even when we debate & argue with each other. this question is facinating to me. and perhaps it is something like a family. when i get on this site it is very relaxing to me. i do have a certain amount of stress in my everyday life. but not on this site. i love it. i love the people even tho i don't know what they look like or sound like. i could not wait to talk to everybody after i got thur my holiday madness. its kind of like a soul mate and family to me. i love these people and wish everybody could exprience something like this. it is truly facinating to me, but i don't really know the answer.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Based on what you thought before asked this Q and on all answers and comments to/about your Q what is your answer to this Q now?
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
That is just putting up with others because those poor fools just happen to be there...here.
... and Sawali... 'I' is 'I' when you are referring to yourself in a sentence. You aren't text messaging... oops, I paid attention to a shortcoming.
I have my own flaws of which I'm aware of, and more that others atribute to me... I am not perfect yet a perfectionist which sometimes conflict with tollerance but I am aware of this to and continuosly make efforts to reconcile the two
... Now, I am going to do something that may not be up someone's alley... I am going to watch Pearl Jam 20. Yes!
ithappens in a family.And yes, shortcomings are faults - i have them.
I was notified about two comments on my answer. I could not see any...
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |