    would you say akqa is like a family?

    fishfry, sorry for the salutation mistake-i was not aware. Did not mean to offend you. Only emphasis was our short comings and we all have them. Was I that harsh to yuou? sorry.

    +9  Views: 2503 Answers: 24 Posted: 13 years ago

    You must be like the distant relative then you only show up every now and then/???

    Darci, I am pretty regular - no not visiting now and then.

    Sawali... Feel free to look at the world and myself any way you like.
    If you are going to refer to me ... please change that to Mrs.. I am married.
    Have a nice day.

    Thanks Sawali... tollerate may mean something different to each of us. I cherish my family and love the quirky-ness. It is something we laugh about... each other and ourselves.

    24 Answers

    This is a combination of family, community, classroom, and not everybody likes everybody else. Just like real life.   For example, your comment about not getting a straight answer  is offensive to  me.  

    NOTE:  My answer was posted at 9 AM.  It is now 6 PM and half my answer is missing, along with a considerable dialogue of comments that followed it. CMA. 

    To clarify: The comment about not getting a straight answer is offensive to me because I always give a straight answer.  Again, my answer has been edited and distorted by that edition. 


    Why so Bobbette?

    Your comment was edited for a reason. Do not repeat it. The admin have already been notified about the change.

    There isn't any admin. I've made some inquiries and investigated this site.

    Well I do not know how you "investigated" this site but there sure are administrators. Ask Yvonne and Pythonlover, they've corresponded with them.

    I have received replies to emails as well, but they seem to have lost their voices the past couple of weeks. Due to the nature of my recent concerns and their failure to respond, one begins to wonder.

    They do have lives, families and jobs. They are just off the holidays too. I've not heard back from them today either. This does not mean they do not exist.

    OK. Thanks for the explanation.

    PKB: I love 95% of your answers. They are sensitive, touching, affectionate, and sometimes even sexy.

    Thank you, Chiangmai. That is a great compliment.

    Wouldn,t quite go as far as family, community maybe, some friends maybe,we try our best to answer some of the most tedious questions,always, don,t we sawali? I,ve answered 36 direction questions today, just shows how sad I am huh?


    You are a breath of fresh air, KOTF! LOL

    Yes, community.
    How sad am I answering all the boring questions up to 200 or more per day?

    Colleen, This is why when someone says "any volunteers?' You should of said "Not Me" LOL

    I did, it didn't work.

    No,Romos, it shows how good you are

    Yes indeed it feels like a family to me spread all around the world, some members are just  a bit like long lost cousins, others like moms amd dads at yet some like the brother we try not to talk about..

    We are a community, We wonder where some of our members are when they are not on line for awhile.  We try to help all and hope everyone's life is going well! Sounds like a family!

    The "Mob" perhaps. We do all share similarities. We've got some tough a** woman here. And Men who can actually show gentleness and compassion. Same as in my biological family. What's wrong with two families?


    that's sweet, Ed ♥

    And some we wish we had never met or talked to.


    You are right on, Darci...

    Yes eggie and we all know who this person is even trying to disguise himself I guess incognito LOL

    Not like my family. You are more like the family I would like to call family. 


    "Oh shucks robertgrist I am blushing but a big thanks ok my long lost brother welcome "Home"

    yes,it is fun.

    Yeah, we could probably be said to be a community...or maybe even more than that for some people.

    Yes like a dysfunctional family, with it's hippies, long haired, short haired, dog lovers, cat lovers, cow lovers, fish lovers, religious nuts, non religious nuts and yes the


    Thanks for including the animals!!!!

    mother in law lover as of late *(&^*&*^&

    yeah, and some people on this site are like members of my family, b/c my family members don't call me or write me and they live in different states.

    LOL Randy, Your comment reminds me of that Toby Kieth song where he describes all the different personality types that come to his bar. Laff.

    and it's an international family

    I'm not a long haired,short haired, cow lover, religious nut, dog lover but I am a bit headless. Thanks for the mention. I look forward to aka time. It is like having friends that you never see, who can't ask for money or help painting their house. Really neat.

    Happy New Year...

    Thanks for including the fish lovers... You are not exactly a headless man ... it is still there ... don't drop it. :)

    I find they are like friends when I'm alone, its like having someone else around to talk to, I also wonder sometimes when I don't see some of the regular contributors here and hope their o.k as you would a friend, at times I cringe when I see some questions.But find when I'm busy and haven't been here for a couple of days I'm keen to see whats been happening while Ive been gone

    My family is far and wide... serious bunch of coconut aliens as it would seem seeing as I burned to death in Ed Shank's room of hell.  Poor Ducka is still feeling the guilt. 

    What the heck about the underground??? I am suspicious... I need to put the power of mind meld on that one...

    Do I know anyone through email?  Only Julie and the akaQA intellies when I have a question. 

    I correspond with the Great and Uber Intellegent... All Knowing Eggplant through my alien sidekick Carl (who will not leave even when the space bus shows up each and every Tuesday morning................ALREADY!)   The Eggplant and Carl have a thang going on!

    Keep me posted on this clickie-wickie thing. 


    Oh dear Fish Fry..what can I say?
    boo hoo hoo hoo...sniff..sniff :(

    It's ok Ducka. I have grown to enjoy these new and improved boogley eyes. They move in 1000 directions... so much better than the last pair.

    Oh good, then I am happy for your new eyes and skinnier body! haha

    Think id go with community rather than family but call it what you like,i like it!!Reckon theres some nice people on here too

    Not quite family...............



    I've made a few friend here that I communicate with and open up more to than just on akaqa, there isn't room for complete openness.....

    Right jhharlan, some things are best left off here

    Have interacted with some very nice people here, but I still find there is bit of a clique, even so I enjoy it.

    Clique, long time members who have gotten to know each other quite well over these last 11 months. If that's a clique, I think it's a good thing. :)

    "" "You've been down there a long time. What are you looking for? I hope it's not aliens."

    "No, it's not aliens,. I'm looking for some akaqa members, who someone said are underground. But I can't find anyone....yet."

    "Perhaps you need to dig deeper."

    "Then I might suffocate."

    "I'll go back and get you a diving suit."


    I'm going down! Spot me!

    Funny pic, good verse.

    I know that I can count on this Family (2nd Family) most people on this site have given me sooo much help you will never know they are always there for me I would be there for them I love this site it has saved my sanity most of the time x 


    Mel are you saying you are sane most of the time?I have been wasting my time talking to a "Nut" HEEE XXX

    dowsa did yo have a good Chrimbo! very funny comment xxx

    A much larger than any real family anyone of us may have and with many more dimples, smiles, doos, warts and all that all our real familes have.

    There are also a few minifamilies within it too...

    Sometimes it is like families..................some families.........................but it is like a BIG community on here, even a worldwide community!!!!

    Jh, how do some of you get eachother's email addresses and communicate with each other?. I think there's an underground here, that we're not all privilaged to be in.


    I went through Colleen. She contacts the other party for you and it's up to them to write you back.....

    Hi there mycatsmom,if you would like to contact a member from akaQA you can ask a moderator to forward your email address on to the member.It is up to that person to then contact you.

    i love this question and i ponder it very ofter.  what is akaqa like? i don't really know, but sometimes it reminds me of a big brain that is always trying to figure things out in a humourous and positive manner, even when we debate & argue with each other.  this question is facinating to me. and perhaps it is something like a family.  when i get on this site it is very relaxing to me.  i do have a certain amount of stress in my everyday life. but not on this site.  i love it.  i love the people even tho i don't know what they look like or sound like.  i could not wait to talk to everybody after i got thur my holiday madness.  its kind of like a soul mate and family to me.  i love these people and wish everybody could exprience something like this. it is truly facinating to me, but i don't really know the answer.

    I have always thought of Aka as a family, a little dysfunctional at times just like a real family i KNOW., i feel refreshed after a month away from Aka, already to fire in 2012.


    Based on what you thought before asked this Q and on all answers and comments to/about your Q what is your answer to this Q now?


    i still think akaqa is an international family offering a great opportunity to know and learn about one another. Of course this my opinion and wanted to know if others shared the same feeling. No family is perfect but being tolerant of shortcomings makes one a good family member. Everyones views are important although their degree of intellectual capacity may be different.

    Thank you for answereing. I agree 100% with your opinion/answer.

    I am wondering what is meant by 'shortcomings'...Does that mean you are judging? That is not accepting or seeing others as people of value.
    That is just putting up with others because those poor fools just happen to be
    ... and Sawali... 'I' is 'I' when you are referring to yourself in a sentence. You aren't text messaging... oops, I paid attention to a shortcoming.

    I have my own flaws of which I'm aware of, and more that others atribute to me... I am not perfect yet a perfectionist which sometimes conflict with tollerance but I am aware of this to and continuosly make efforts to reconcile the two

    Val, I am not putting you down in any way, shape or form. I do realise that the words we write may not come through in the manner in which we intend... the tollerating "thing", which you did not say is in fact, stating that someone perceives themself to be above others... Do we want to throw our educations down like gamblers do with cards? I don't. Why? That is a bit nutty... don't you think?
    ... Now, I am going to do something that may not be up someone's alley... I am going to watch Pearl Jam 20. Yes!

    fishfry, you put down people on minor things as if you are Ms Perfect! What do u get out of it? A word of unsolicited advice: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
    ithappens in a family.And yes, shortcomings are faults - i have them.

    Sawali, Fish fry puts down no one. She is here, answering a lot of questions daily and giving good thoughtful advice and real answers where needed. She has fun, she makes people laugh. I know that is against your laws but it is not against akaQA rules. She does not have a negative idea of akaQA, not one. You, all you do is complain and try to incite argument. You hardly ever answer a question here unless it's an old question and has been answered many times already. Do not falsely accuse a person of doing something they do not do. It just makes you look like a fool. She has not even put you down. She's just called you out on the fact that you put the members here down and many have agreed with her. I know, I've seen the complaints come in. You need to stop now and just be the member here that you try to say you are, but are not. Move on from this now.


    I was notified about two comments on my answer. I could not see any...



    AWOL... LOL... LOL!

    If I remove a comment from someone's answer, I let the person know. You would have received a message from me. It could be an admin removed something or the person who posted was suspended for something concerning another question. When a person is suspended forever, everything they ever posted gets removed along with them.

    tnx :)
    Who expected such an innocent Q to be traumatizing some members?

    A nice think I noticed is akaqa members halve the sorrows and double the joys by sharing them...

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