    Would you buy a house that someone was murdered in ?

    or should i say knowingly murdered in..

    +10  Views: 2140 Answers: 41 Posted: 12 years ago

    Would you travel in a car knowing that someone had been killed in it?

    A wet-bus: so that's why they call it riding shot-gun

    41 Answers (31-41 Displayed)

    Sure if the price was right..........

    No, I would not buy a house where someone has been murdered. It is very hard to sell a house with a reputation. In Australia, realestate people have to reveal the history of the house (murders) to potential buyers.

    Nope but if they offered to give it to me might have to think about it a little then.

    As a kid, I slept on the bed that my Grandmother killed herself on. I did not know it until my dad wanted to get rid of the bed. He told me then that my Grandmother killed herself on that bed and I thought he was kidding me then he showed me a hole in the bed from a bullet. That was not the bullet that killed her it was where she test fired the gun to see if it worked.


    Not nice!!!!

    Good answer daren!!And you dont have to see friends or family either unless youve sent them a visiting order!

    yes if the price was right

    If it was next to a busy road, no. If it was on a 'dead end" street, maybe.

    Depends on the house,thiers a big house called Hampton Court near me Id, bye that if it was going cheap,,,,

    I would open it to the public as a museum. ;)

    Not really

    The house belonging to mass- murderers Fred and Rosemary West where they buried their victims under the floor was pulled down by the Council and a garden planted in memory of the victims.

    Yes why not, I will turn it into a haunted house. I will crack all the mirrors, light up all the candles, make long dark hall ways. And all that so nobody will come in and disturb me. :D

    wouldn't be

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