    why are there no black snowmen??????? I thought there was equality welll most snowmen I seen are White

    +3  Views: 1460 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: "winter"

    "...well, most snowmen I have seen are white."

    I think he asked that question tongue-in-cheek

    16 Answers

    SO next time you see some black snow you run right out there and make your black snowman,, OK sunshine?

    Is the Stupid Question of the Week??????  How much black snow have you seen.  Either build one out of coal (good luck getting it to stick together by the way) or make one out of regular snow and spray paint it black if something this stupid bothers you so badly.

    I have seen black dirty snow before however; no one wants to make a snowman out of that stuff same goes for the yellow snow too.



    See ? You can make a snowman black, with spray paint.

    You would need to go somewhere that they have black snow.Like the middle of the Sahara desert.


    Black snow in Sahara, Never. !!

    I have never seen a BLACK person either.. what is up with that?


    come to my town, and you'll see a LOT of them

    ""Wear black sunglasses next time it snows. And, then, you'll have black snow.

    When I was a teen, and in NYC, we went on the roof of high rises- guess what, you got it, the snow was charcoal color! 

    Parts of China experiences black snow due to the pollution in the air.

    In the 50's most people had coal a furnace.  Back then you saw a lot of grey snowmen from the soot.


    we had a coal furnace in the 50s. It was our entertainment to watch my dad shovel coal into it . And when the coal man came to send coal down a shoot thru our basement window ! that was a big day! The neighborhood kids all showed up to watch!

    I remember it too..that coal sliding down the shoot was so noisey!!!

    I think you could have black snow "people" if you so desired.  Move to a coal mining area where they have no regulations about polution!!!   Ahhh...winter happiness!  (Just don't breathe too deeply, okay?)

    you be sure to make the first black snowman, who knows it might catch on, good luck

    You aint  seen nothin yet.  

    Okay, next we are going to read from someone asking for a black Santa, black Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, black Pinocchio, black Donald duck, black Cinderella. Come on you guys !!!


    probably just stupid for real......

    they do have black Santas in some stores and in some peoples front yards.

    Snow Black and the 7 dwarfs.
    At least we have " The Black Stallion "

    There r black santas! and you know Jesus was a middle eastern jew- he was not white and did not have blue eyes.

    I've never seen so many responses to a stupid question


    Well, we're not only intelligent, we're also funny!

    Snow is white, in case you haven't noticed. But, you could spray-paint a snowman black , if you want

    Just be happy they aren't yellow .

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