    what happened to the music group abba

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    The group had gone through so much. Both the two men had been married to both lady members of Abba, but by 1982 both men had divorced them and remarried someone else.

    In 1983 the band members went separate ways - the men did the Chess soundtrack while the ladies did solo albums. Abba had cut three singles, including the well-traveled Just Like That, for inclusion on a new Abba studio album for later, but since the band never returned from their 1983 break as a band the album never happened. Bjorn Ulvaeus never performed music again, though he has produced and written material since, including producing and co-writing the Mamma Mia! soundtrack with Benny Andersson due later this summer.

    In 2000, Abba collectively turned down a US equivalent of one billion dollars to do a 100-stop reunion tour. Benny Andersson said the band just wasn't ready to do it. And so it has been.

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