    Bachlor advice : Pizza the day after (left overs ) Never use the micro wave ever !!!!! Take a flat cast iron pan like you would make pancakes on ,heat it up first then put your pizza on it and cover . The cover melts the cheese , the pan makes the crust crisp and gives it body . Keep careful time on both operations as going too far spoils the process. You can add any extras you desire . No more soggy warmed up next day pizza. Adult beverage is optional (beer) . Dont expect the ladies to approve

    Try this and review at your leisure .

    +4  Views: 1513 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: pizza

    9 Answers

    Bill, I read an article a couple years back that said this is the best way to reheat pizza and I agree with you. I don't have a cast iron skillet though, just a cheap skillet from Walmart but it still makes for a crispy crust. I'm drinking a Mimosa right now, mmmm yummy.


    country bumpk, what is Mimosa ?

    That's exactly where I went to find the recipe! Dang! It's too bad I am allergic. :)

    well I'll be...been drinking that since Adam was a boy, never knew it had a name other than what it is
    country bumpkin

    LOL Lamb. I had one yesterday.

    Thanks for the tip,  I have a "comal" just perfect for the job. Forget the microwave...........

    hum sounds like the way to go, good for breakfast as well, how about the beer ?


    The adult beverage is a personal choice . I am going to back off on the Baileys Irish Cream with my morning coffee . Maybe Ill not start drinking till at least 10:30 in the morning . Turn over a new leaf so to speak . Just kidding ,but who hasn't grabbed what ever was left from the night before ?

    bloody marys for me yummy way to start the day..

    My microwave heats pizza too. There is a special button on it. My leftover pizza is perfect.


    Great !!! I enjoy the crisp crust this creates so after many reheats in the micro wave this by being different works for the moment . Bill

    bluesman buddy:  Looks like we're gonna be fine, thank goodness!  Her taxi was late.  Enjoy your pizza, and her company.



    Lucky Me !!!!!

    Hey, chew your food. I know you're trying to finish your meal quickly now that she's here. Try taking a sip of beer in between chewing the pizza and her.

    I agree.  The only thing missing is a cute young thing.



    Question? What's the best Pizza in your area ?

    I live in Hawaii. There are no good pizzas, just good company. :)

    No idea what that is (comal) .I just cant stand soggy limp pizza and these days who can afford to throw anything away . Just saying .Tell me if this pleases you when you try it .     Bill


    You're growing up! Still cold zzaa and coke. I knew a guy who used to put beer on his cereal- that was way to gross for me! But thanks for the tip- I may just take a walk on the wild side and warm up some left over zaa and crack open a beer. (quite frankly I don't drink much & my am fav is a mimosa with just a tiny bit of peach scnaaps. But NOT with pizza- blaah

    doolittle: I rarely drink once a year maybe. Doing this makes the crust crisp and for now I enjoy that .

    cool beans!

    Well, I'm not so sure about disapproving, I think I'll try that myself......and yes, with the beer!!

    country bumpkin

    Mimosa's are a brunch drink. It's a mixture of Champagne and orange juice usually served in a tall flute with a slice of orange and a cherry placed on the rim of the glass. I like Mimosas with Cheese Blintz for brunch.

    Sounds good! The microwave is handy at times, but it just isn't the same as conventionally cooking something. I can pretty much always tell when something has been microwaved, as it affects the texture and it doesn't always allow the flavor to be brought out the same as an oven. Give me enough beer and I'll eat just about anything though. But, usually I don't get a lot accomplished if breakfast includes a brew or two...but that's just me, I get started on a roll and I like to lounge or do things I enjoy, and that usually doesn't include responsibilities.  

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