    Do you know a hero !!!! Why not nominate someone ,right here right now ! Who do you know who has done more than could ever be asked of anyone ? How do you say thanks when someone has done so much . Do you plan on being a hero this coming year ,will you lift just one person up this year ? Can you rescue just one person and give them a life raft for just a month. What kind of person will you be this coming year ? No matter how bad you have it there are others much worse ,will you allow this to con

    Making life meaningful  and fair for all .                            Bill

    0  Views: 441 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: doing good

    4 Answers

    I nominate my wife.
    Born in a third world country, raised in a one room shack on a busy street in the middle of a city, she left school before completing junior high school so that she could help her mother feed their large family. Married at 18 and soon pregnant, she threw her drunken husband out after he had stolen the money she had saved to pay for the birth of their son and went to work in a “sweat factory”. Then leaving the son with her mother, she went abroad to Singapore, Canada and later the US working as a nanny, housekeeper and later as a caregiver for the elderly. For 19 years she worked and lived with some very affluent families, and all her money went home to her family to support and to pay for schooling and college for her son, mother and many nieces and nephews.
    We met, married soon after and she went home to meet her now adult son, his wife and two grandchildren. I met her there nearly a month later for a short honeymoon, but soon we had to return home for work. She built her son a very nice home with a room for her mother and living quarters for us when we visit. This past spring I sent her home for a month so she could bond with her new grandson. Nearly all her wages still go home as well as an average of 250 pounds of goods each month for their support.
    Though I sometimes wish we could relax and enjoy my retirement, she is their hero.


    I am speechless,reading your words brought tears to eyes .Many come from humble beginnings and rise to every occasion life puts on their path This is what the world should be made made of . I can feel your love and respect in your every word.I consider myself privileged to have shared your story. It was a pleasure to read and I wish to sincerely thank you for that . My compliments to your wife and I would consider it a honour to stand and applaud her efforts . You are a lucky man indeed !!!! You have my utmost respect sir ,may your days together be long and happy ones ! All my best Bill

    In light of the terrible plight of called fish fry...who has embodied a shrimp. I must elect FISHGIRL as a hero in her own mind!!!!!!!!!!  We Loved you FISHY!!!!!!!!! I am ever so glad my communication with the shrimp led to your re-embodiment.  Whether fried or BBQ'd your humorous questions and answers have made us all LAUGH!!!!!  Come back from the sea soon!

    Bill, I know you,re feeling rough right now, but the old cliche is the same man, you gotta look for the hero within yourself, you know he,s there. Have a good Christmas big man, take care, all the best from Bonny Scotland..R.


    I got news that my son is coming from Brazil soon . The construction school idea I gave him has helped many and is continuing to grow and do well.I sold some of my work at the market today and have food money for some days . I have reaped the good karma from the universe for this whole year . No way I would have made it on my own,this year . Every need was covered and while I am alone its been my choice as I haven't looked. I resolve to make a difference this year some how . Here I have only my words and life experience to lift others up . I will be a better person this year and make a difference no matter what . Thanks for your words !!!! Bill

    Your words are noted friend,glad to hear the tide has turned, may it continue for you Bill,always..R.

    I want to be an anonoymous hero .......

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