    isn't sneezing bad for you?

    +2  Views: 1119 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    I've heard when you sneeze, your heart skips a beat- If you had a sneezing fit and a bad heart it could be trouble. However I have no medical degrees so it's just folklore.


    I sneeze a lot and I get extra heart beats. That's what a cardiologist told me.


    Only if you don't have a head.


    Dondowning, I don't know how to download movies. As for spellchecker, you can find if yu click on tools (the one with the gear symbol. When the drop down box opens, you'll find spellchecker there.

    hahaha I like your sense of humor, eggie

    sneezing  is a natural process of the body reacting to protecting you.....................It is good to sneeze



    Bless you

    No it is not bad for you,but it is, for the person that catches your germs.


    Cover your mouth!

    No but I have heard it said that one is closest to death when they sneeze dunno quite what they mean about that though??????


    Better quit sneezing. Oh no, then you would probably explode! :)

    Same thing I heard. And no reason for it, cept I thought the heart hesitated as the sneeze peaked (chooooo part).

    Darci its because when sneezing a bone comes close to the heart oxoxox



    Maybe it's an old wives tale. I've seen plenty of people die, as an LPN, and none of them have sneezed while dying.

    Why are you sick?



    Hey that's lol nice image

    Not harmful at all

    Yes, you could sneeze your head off!  Make sure your head is on straight and you don't have a screw loose before sneezing.


    LOL! Ut-Oh everybody check your screws...OH NO BOB- there r alot of us that could lose our heads! DUCK when we sneeze!

    Randy already lost his!!

    No, it's not bad for you.......unless you try to suppress it while it's going on . God invented sneezing so it can clear our nose and sinuses and throat of dust and allergens and other irritants. Almost all animals sneeze. When my frined's 14 month old baby girl sneezed on Christmas Day, it was cute ( as long as she's not sick )

    Sneezing is a natural body reaction to particulates in the nasal cavity. Ancient cultures believed that evil spirits could enter the body whilst sneezing, hence the reson for blessing people who sneeze.


    probably because before the days of anti-biotics, people were dying left adn right of pnemonia and other infections. So, getting sick was really something to worry about---especailly in children.

    Sneezing while driving can be bad for you since your eyes usually close while sneezing. 

    Sneezing typically occurs when foreign particles or sufficient external stimulants pass through the nasal hairs to reach the nasal mucosa.

    Sneezing is also triggered by sinus nerve stimulation caused by sinus infection and allergies.

    Outside of irritating foreign particles, allergies or possible illness, another stimulus is sudden exposure to bright light - a condition known as photic sneeze reflex.

    A rarer trigger, observed in some individuals, is the fullness of the stomach immediately after a large meal. This is known as snatiation and is regarded a medical disorder passed along genetically as an autosomal dominant trait.

    Sneezing cannot occur during sleep

    To avoid the possibility of spreading disease (such as the flu), one should hold the forearm or the inside of the elbow in front of one's mouth and nose when sneezing. Using one's hand for that purpose is inappropriate, since it promotes spreading germs through commonly touched objects (most notably doorknobs).

    In Ancient Greece, sneezes were believed to be prophetic signs from the gods

    In certain parts of Eastern Asia, particularly in Chinese culture, Japanese culture and Vietnamese culture, a sneeze without an obvious cause was generally perceived as a sign that someone was talking about the sneezer at that very moment. 

    excerpts from


    that was interesting

    but farting can occur during sleep. My late husband used to .

    Come on Folks.   A good sneeze is almost as good as an orgasm.........  hehe..


    does that mean throwing-up is too ? Hahahah

    mycat: Never had quite the same sensation to me .... but maybe I just don't know how to throw up.

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