I hope you've had a good Christmas so far.
12 Answers
He's just like many teen wonders of the past, a flash in the pan.. First off, he doesn't show me any real talent, he's just a cute boy that young teenys will spend a fortune of their parents money buying his fame.. I don't personally have anything against him, I just see him as a product with strong marketing behind it. Products will be replaced by other products.. It's just the way it is..
Stardom is not based on talent, its based on appeal, Justin has appeal to young consumers..
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
In a few short years, or even months, some other cute superboy will come into your life and you won't even remember justin Bieber.. Trust me on that..
What people? You tell me who, I,ll find them, us Beebies must unite against the unbeebevers.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
You posted a "joke" about him the other day that you were a little upset with me about for not "getting". Why did you post the joke about his initials in reverse if you don't like the fact that people have something against him or make fun of him? If you are a fan of his, you should join his fan-site and post your questions about him over there. We are mainly adults here and have little interest in Justin. http://www.fanbuff.com/justinbieber/forums
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
J E A L O U S Y Really, who cares. A person is known by their words and actions. People are watching him, waiting for him to do something they can criticize, or to continue to be a performer intent on success in his chosen career.
Your cousin doesn't have to like him. It's called an OPINION, and everyone has one.
Don't you have something better to do?
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I can’t repeat what adults were saying about Elvis Presley when I was your age.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I don't know why people make fun of him but they sure do. He's fodder for the late-night comics, for sure. I don't care for his type of music but he does have a good voice. He IS popular so like FG says they must be jealous.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Who as got anything against him?although he is soon to lose his teen idol status as he is now a father to be which makes him or should make him a responsible adult and father and which teenager wants to be that at his age ? There is plenty of up and coming young stars to fill his place in the market who have no such responsibilities and are therefore more accessible to their fans in their fans eyes . It's only my opinion but I think he will have to put his career on the backburner whilst he and his former friends mature somwhat before he enjoys mega stardom again as he is bound to loose a vast amount of his coolness for a while
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |