    how do i get out of my abusive relashionship.??

    +1  Views: 674 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    ""While you're in that sort of relationship, you're only half a woman. Get them boots on dear and walk away. But do it quietly, don't tell him anything. Just go when he isn't around. Sometimes, it can be dangerous telling an abusive person that you are leaving him. He may do something really nasty to you. Just get as far away as you can. Go to another state if you can. Been there, done that.


    eggplant has a good answer for you.
    Are you young? If so, talk to your parents or someone who can really help you emotionally and physically.
    There are places where abused women can get a bed and protection for free. You can take your kids there too. Call a crisis line.
    Yes, abusive men will get really mean when they find out you’re leaving.
    Don’t let him know.
    One more thing: Men get more abusive when their woman is pregnant.

    like eggplant, I think you need to leave, I waited far too long thinking of possessions, my home, money etc,etc, nearly cost me my life. Violent and abusive people don't change, move far away and do it soon, I also had domestic violence orders placed so I couldn't be approached if he found me.

    If he's hurting you get a restraing order out on him,just walk away and tell no one, if your married why not see a lawer, either way you must take the first step, their's plenty of social programs that can help..

    Yes get out and far away as you can without him knowing.  Violent and abusers never change take it from one that has been there get out while you are still alive.

    Theres some excellent advice here ruggers,please take it.I wasted the best part of 10 years in a bad relationship.Please walk away

    Number One: know that LOVE DOESN'T HURT...It's ok to leave and be happy but, do it on the sly.  Just go and don't look back.......

    If you aren't truly ready to be in a life that doesn't include this person, nothing said is going to get you going.  If you are ready, pack what you need and put yourself on the other side of the door.  Take nothing that isn't YOURS, not OURS.  Leave the NEVER GO BACK.  Leave a generic note blaming no one; calm, rational, to the point; it will be evidence at some point, so make sure it's clean.
    Don't leave children, by the way; they may end up with the other person at some future point, but DO NOT LEAVE them now.  Ideally, there aren't kids in the equation.
    Find a shelter or home for battered persons or a friend or relative where you can stay. Don't be a burden on the one who gives you shelter.  Get into therapy, counseling, or a group dynamic where you can get advice, support, and understanding.
    Do not leave a forwarding address; change your phone number. If you work, make sure the employer knows to keep your partner out of the building, parking lot, etc.  At school, find out how to restrict your partner from grabbing the kids.  
    A restraining order and custody order (at least temporary) are advisable.  See a family law attorney or legal aid service for help.  Their suggestions will be far  better than ours.
    GET YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW BEFORE YOU GO.  Your life is at stake.  Prayers for your safety.

    Many divorce lawyers will work pro bono (free) or at a reduced cost if you tell them what is going on or are referred thru a court or domestic violence center...and some court have good, well trained, people who will walk you in and out and even to your car.  I am so sorry this is happening to you!!

    Many divorce lawyers will work pro bono (free) or at a reduced cost if you tell them what is going on or are referred thru a court or domestic violence center...and some court have good, well trained, people who will walk you in and out and even to your car.  I am so sorry this is happening to you!!

    Without the other partner knowing,go to a woman`s shelter . Plan ahead if you can. Prepare a  suitcase with your belongings.Hide suitcase in the trunk of you car.Please be careful. Call 911 if needed.

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