    Can an adoption be reversed after 40 years?

    Adoptive child was a teenager at the time of the adoption and knew the (deceased) biological mother and her family very well.   The child was adopted by a step-mother and did not want to be adopted, but the biological father demanded it.   The only reason the step-mother adopted was because the biological father wanted this.  He was in bad health at the time of the adoption.    The father did not die until after the adopted child was 21 years old.  
    The step-mother is now also deceased.   Can the adopted child reverse the adoption to show the biological mother on  the birth certificate?





    +1  Views: 1582 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: adoption legal

    5 Answers

    however, I guess that's something that you should ask a that's famliar with family relationships and adoption

    This sounds very strange - I did not know that the adopted Mother would be on the birth certificate - surely it would be the biological Mother. However, as previously said a lawyer conversant with these issues would be able to help you.


    No this is not correct - the biological Mother would not be on the birth certificate -evident when people have so much trouble looking for their biological mother - sometimes unknown. Here the biological mother is known so maybe this would be possible.

    Not so easily solved because neither parent is alive to verify the birth details. However, an affidavit sometimes helps, and only if there are no heirs to the estate who can contest the application.

    no way...

    Well, it seems like he wouldn't have to invalidate the adoption, just to have his bio mother's name on his birth cert. ----listed as his birth mother.

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