    what are your thoughts on the Ricky Gervais vs Religious fundamentalists?

    +1  Views: 2736 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Grit you know me, and I think you understand that not all people who call themselves Christians actually are Christians. I think that everyone should have a right to speak their mind, what ever their beliefs are and tolerance has to added to either side of the fence. I wouldn't tell someone that they're going to hell even if I thought I knew they were, because that's not up to me. That's between  Jesus/ God and them.

    I do think that as a Christian it's your responsibility to learn how to defend your faith in truth and love when called to do so. I don't believe that anyone should say I'm glad someone's dead, or that you are going to burn in hell, that's just makes that person look bad to everyone. That kind of behavior is against what my Bible teaches.

    The greatest commandment is to love your God with all you heart, and the next is to love your neighbor, according to Jesus. I didn't see that in the article that you posted, so I assume this person truly doesn't know what his or her Bible really says.?... Good question though Grit, hope all is well with you.


    This is what happens when you express your opinion and he is entitled to it - freedom of speech is more acceptable here and should not cause offence so long as it is an opinion which does not directly insult - we are all different and with regard to faiths and beliefs if someone expresses what they believe without insulting it should be accepted. Maybe my opinion on this subject is too broad having worked and cared for people of practically every religion. I am in danger of sounding too pious here, so enough said. 

    I am glad to see him speaking out about his beliefs. Everybody has the right to do so in America. Plus I love seeing religious people get all worked up when someone goes against their beliefs!


    I agree, they act as if they have no advocate in heaven at all. They have no faith whatsoever in the god they profess. They just enjoy playing God.

    I like Ricky Gervais and many otters who poke fun at fundamentalist. I do that too. The problem with Fundamentalism is that it is rather dictatorial regarding text, long proven inadaquate in a more enlightened age. We are approaching a global reckoning and I hope and prey that we can at that time build a new and better church with enlightened governments also. We have no need for wars, pollution, and many things that have only brought us grief. Our future happiness is the only thing we need take forward and prove is worth all our time here.


    robertgrist - I am not getting your comments - something has gone wrong here.

    I had that problem too several years ago. It seemed like what they were saying didn’t make sense. I asked them to repeat what they said, but that didn’t help either. Then I asked them to write their question on apiece if paper…but then I saw it, It was like they were speaking in a foreign language…my mind had rebelled from understanding their remark because it contained two negative value choices as an option when both were not acceptable. It works both ways …like asking a diabetic if they prefer ice-cream or pie for desert with no option of refusal.

    He is  exercising his constitutional freedom and right to speak expressing eloquently his beliefs, convictions, opinions.

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