    I heard a rather large group- tell me President Obama is a genius. What ya'll think?

    +4  Views: 2000 Answers: 23 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: president

    That large group is the bleeding hearts that want you to give ~your~ hard earned money to the least productive class in America, their unwillingness to work their way to the top, these same people ridicule those that are on top and demand that support them and give them entitlements for being non-productive. These same people are the anarchist that wants no government and they run with those that want total government-- makes no sense, nonetheless, both of these groups want government support and monetary stability awarded to them. They hate big business and capitalism, yet they won't give up their ipods and computer games. They are a very demanding group, they pout (protest) and scream like small children until they get their way.. This is the 'rater large group' you speak of.. Incidentally, they are not all democrats, although the majority are but only by association, not policies..

    Very interesting take on life & the situation. It is obvious you are growing weak from caring for others-& we all feel your terrible pain. I truly wish the world could reward you for all that you have done for all the absolute bums in the world. Until you are properly rewarded for your hard work & wisdom I hope you receive "all" that is do to you. Till then just take solace in knowing, in your mind that you have done what you feel is just & right for all. Thanks much for the reply. Happy to hear from a (truly)mature person.

    23 Answers

    Most presidents are smart to have gotten so far.........

    He is a very smart man. A pi$$ poor president but a smart man. 


    You all still never said what he has done to be smart.

    He fooled the people into voting him into office when he had no credible background. Now that right there is smart.

    He thinks he

    Intelligent yes, but smart, no. Reagan inherited a mess from Jimmy Carter and turned this country around in 18 month. Obama is in his 36Th month and still no end in sight. Obama as a community organizer trained Acorn, who sued citybank for not loaning money  to poor people to buy houses. After 2 yrs., the banks conceded and and ended up in collapsing our housing market.


    Think I recall trickle down economics-(Reagan pissing on you).Union busting. And if anyone has forgot after 8 yrs. of reagan & 4 yrs. of Bush we had the highest deficit ever-to date. after 12 yrs. of mighty republican rule. It took a horny D-crat, to leave the next Bush with no deficit & in fact a surplus. Oh how quickly we forget,then remember what we prefer. Don't wish to piss off anyone enjoying their memories- any way they please-just like to see the truth once in a while. I love the dims & the pubes.& of coarse Jesus.

    Reagan busted the unions ???? WOW !

    They're still here in my city and state.

    I guess whats great is that anyone can spin anything any way they wish ... right ??

    flaminghanky-- You sure have your facts in a jumble. I don't even want to contest in detail, apparently you aren't even here anymore.

    It takes a smart man to ~win~ the presidency, a salesman.. His intellect and talents are in speaking, his charisma, his ability to convince those that want to be convinced, he's a marketing genius., He knows enough about government to be dangerous.  Where many on my side condemn him, I only condemn his policies, he's a good man but he's not a president, he is presidential though, this is 'half' the battle and that battle he has won.  It is unfortunate in MHO that he is moving America in a direction that resembles every fallen government beginning with the Romans and their socialist agendas. We in america have for over 200 years been the desired country to be, this is why we have grown to over 300 million people, take 12 million illegals. There is a reason why people for 2 centuries came here, it was that 'American dream', he (Obama) is placing us in history, not the future.. His 'progressive' movement is not progressive at all, we were already progressing, our history proves this, we are now reverting to big government where the elite says what to eat, drive, go, work and how to raise our children, without a voice of our own how can we succeed in fulfilling that American dream?   Of course, of the 300 million, there are some that just can't make it, there are some that don't want to make it, there are some that truly believe that the american dream is socialism and free handouts.. This is their american dream and because these people are so vocal, they are going to get their way. They have the time to complain and pout (protest) we workers do not have a voice, we are too busy trying to fulfill our own American dream just as our forefathers did through hard work.. The key to success, is work, ambition and determination-- if you have these qualities, you can see right through Obama's charismatic speeches-- He is appealing to the weak and the socialist educated that wants to be noted on that level, to these people, bowing to the Obama worship is the 'cool' thing, a statement that they are same, and in many a guilt trip because they have been made to feel guilty for making success.  'Bleeding hearts'..  Obama is a dictator..  Not a president.. an arrogant one at that.


    Vinny, Agree with everything you wrote except one thing. I lived in "Animal Farm" untill 1978. The rights of convicted criminals in the USA prisons are far greater than the rights of the animals were in any communist Animal Farm run by dictators. Calling Obama dictator is a mistake.

    When you have a 'leader' that stands in front of a microphone and a teleprompter and says 'Me' and "I" over 40 times in a 10 minute speech, and he states that he 'has a pen and a phone' not to mention walking on the constitution at will. This is a dictator, the only difference in him and a visible dictator is that he does these things illegally. He has now succeeded in pushing America back 100 years. he has taken from the working class and give to the non working class, he has 'invited' more and more illegals through our borders, the left calls them refugees, we on the right call them votes. His ultimate goal is a one party system, total control over the people, removing the voice of the people and making us all dependent on the g'ment.He could care less about his healtcare plan, its control over the people he is working for. 100%. He panders to the un-educated, he awards them with free stuff and entitlements in exchange for loyalty to the party. Your money, my money to support an idealistic g'ment where it's one for all and all for one. Sound familiar?? This is where he and the liberal democrats are leading us. They work with fear as their hook, the democrat liberal party is the party of doom and gloom, they find fault with everything. They instill fear and tell you the only way to overcome this fear is to vote. If you liberal democrats can not see what is going on then you are blind, but then, this is what you want, if so, you will be in the soup lines too and wondering what happened. You better look around you, if you LOVE America then stand up for it as our predecessors stood up for us when they built this unique free country of thinkers. Of course, since everyone is allowed to think, there will be some that disagree, this is America. The America where we mst all be told what to say, think, eat, drive, vote and what religion we must adhere. WAKE UP!!!

    Are you in contact with ETs?


    How can one tell I isn't all that bright.

    One cannot.

    Was this large group of people dressed in animal skins, holding clubs, and standing around a big fire with a look of amazement on their faces? Maybe looked like the guys in the Geico commercials perhaps? lol...


    Maybe it was a group of one cell organisms basking in his glory, lol.

    He may be smart but intelligence with out common sense is like a rudderless ship .""


    Hey, can I come aboard!!! I can skipper that beauty..right to blue water too see the whales

    You heard wrong.  They were commenting on the "genies" (garage door opener) the Obamas have installed at the White House



    I believe he actually got an award for talking about installing the garage opener.

    Awwww me thinks you are hanging around with the wrong crowd if they are spouting that.


    Could be- I have never learned so much about mankind or human attitude, in my long crusty life. Thanks all.

    Well, I have this to say in his defense. When he came into office, the economy was in such a state, that it was like being handed a bucket of shit, and then being expected to make something beautiful out of it overnight! It just isn't going to happen overnight! But, give me that bucket of shit, some flower seeds, and in time I will turn it into something beautiful.

    I was never a fan of him bailing out the banks or auto makers. But, in retrospect, I think I'm glad he did. Who knows where we'd be if those giants started collapsing?! That would have scared off almost all the investors and our economy would have shrivelled up and died completely.

    No president ever makes decisions on their own. That's why they create cabinets and bring on advisors, i.e.; they bring on intelligent people who are in the know on specific issues. It's all too easy to forget the good things a person has done. But, how many families would have absolutely nothing, if that man didn't stick up for the unemployed?! It's all just too easy for someone who has everything and everything going for them, to criticize the unemployed. But, in reality, those unemployed are the very same people who worked hard all their lives, bought homes, built lives for their families. Yet, when they lose their jobs that they've been with for years...they are literally thrown into the streets! I can't really say anything bad about someone who has tried to help these people.

    No one has all the right answers, nor will they ever please everybody...but, at least this guy stood up and tried.  


    Would you vote for him again if he decides to run again?

    The only genial accomplishement I would credit him with is fooling enough voters to get him elected President of these (not as much as they should) United States of America.


    I does like you answer cause me just not gettin' it two well. I does need some hep ta figure it all out. Our county neeeds heelp real baad rite noww. I is real happy ta get your take on the problem. And it appears the folks he fooled best where the most educated-the college students. I know, buy em books & send to school-this is how we are thanked.

    flaminghanky, I respect your opinion on our current president however wrong but I don't apreciate your campaigning for him on this site. Go ahead vote again for him but please stop prozelitizing.

    What were you doing at the democrat convention ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????


    Enjoying hot monkey love. Need you ask ?

    I am just here with a little love.


    define genius.  LOL 

    He is intelligent, but I would hardly call him smart. The truth about any president (usually) is that they have to have some intellect to do the job and getting there is really all politics. Politics is so corrupt that all you have to do is know and pay the right people and groups and you just may go somewhere in the political arena.

    He may be intelligent, but he hasn't made very many good decisions, that will be his legacy. It's not what you say, but it's your actions that make you poor or great. I wish that he was a better president, instead of a good public speaker.


    Thanks leeroy & friends I luv this stuff.

    I have to disagree leeroy. He has shown no intelligence .Where has he shown it. Killing bin laden does not qualify in my book as intelligence. Thats a no brainer. What has obama done that the economy has improved or unemployment.He said it would never go above 9 % with him as president. He has no business experience. Somebody defend his sorry ass here please. If he was good people would like him . They dont. Except for the uninformed trashy people that voted for him.

    @Zorro, I agree with what you're saying. Intelligence is not only measured by IQ, but in the decisions we make. You can be intelligent, but not smart. A persons actions truly speak more loudly than their words...

    Far from being a genius but at least is (so far) Mr. Obama a better president than Mr. Jimmy Carter was? In either case, why?


    Carter had & still has a Heart the size of Texas even if he is one of them there hillbillies. He did walk into a land mine. With different timing you would not feel the same. And there is no question about it. Thanks for your input-I appreciate it very much.

    I agree with you there. The way he dubbed around when the Iranian took those hostages made the U.S. look so chicken wasn't funny. That really tended to piss me off! There was a president that had no balls at all!

    He could be.


    Wow you threw me-gonna watch out now.

    Genius, no. Conman yes. I wonder how many people in this country know who the vice President is, or the branches of government, how many states there are, who are the candidates? We have a lot of brain dead people in the US. They respond to sound bites only, Continue being irresponsible, because the respossible will continue to feed you.


    Really happy to hear from people that have the answers. I do appreciate your in depth understanding of world situations-you are truly a gift to all. Please "do" keep feeding the less fortunate. Your mother has to be very proud. Thank you...

    This is why we really need to reform voting rights. I don't like the idea that someone has the right to vote on my rights that has no clue of what is going on in current events. Or even cares! Voting on 'coolness' is not an option. But when we now have a g'ment that wants to control the people, socialism and one party system that is coming, soon, (if current trend continues) it will be unnecessary for common people to vote.

    I am going to 'double post this'..

    When you have a 'leader' that stands in front of a microphone and a teleprompter and says 'Me' and "I" over 40 times in a 10 minute speech, and he states that he 'has a pen and a phone' not to mention walking on the constitution at will.  This is a dictator, the only difference in him and a visible dictator is that he does these things illegally.  He has now succeeded in pushing America back 100 years. he has taken from the working class and give to the non working class, he has 'invited' more and more illegals through our borders, the left calls them refugees, we on the right call them votes.  His ultimate goal is a one party system, total control over the people, removing the voice of the people and making us all dependent on the g'ment.He could care less about his healtcare plan, its control over the people he is working for.  100%.  He panders to the un-educated, he awards them with free stuff and entitlements in exchange for loyalty to the party.  Your money, my money to support an idealistic g'ment where it's one for all and all for one.  Sound familiar??  This is where he and the liberal democrats are leading us.  They work with fear as their hook, the democrat liberal party is the party of doom and gloom, they find fault with everything.  They instill fear and tell you the only way to overcome this fear is to vote. If you liberal democrats can not see what is going on then you are blind, but then, this is what you want, if so, you will be in the soup lines too and wondering what happened.  You better look around you, if you LOVE America then stand up for it as our predecessors stood up for us when they built this unique free country of thinkers.    Of course, since everyone is allowed to think, there will be some that disagree, this is America.  The America where we mst all be told what to say, think, eat, drive, vote and what religion we must adhere.  WAKE UP!!!

    i am not old enough for this stuff about wat aldults think but just guessing to think i think he is trying his best to help us and to me if we arent taken over by another country yet he,s a genius !!! :)


    Where exactly do you see him trying his best to help the people?

    Brayan, you summed it up in your first sentence. 'I'm not old enough for this stuff..." You are victim peer pressure and trendy thinking. 'Taken over by another country??" We are not at war with countries, we are at war with ideology. If we were at war with country, at least we would know who we were fighting. do us all a favor, please don't vote until you understand what is going on in the world, think with reason, not what's coolness'. This president is by far the worst president in history of the united states, bar none! He has succeeded in pushing us back 100 years at least, he has divided this nation into class and race, left and right. There is no equality today or ever, you will never see a neurosurgeon forced into equal class as a burger flipper at McDee's. 'balanced wages'.

    Get this guy without a tele-prompter and  he's a stammering, slow thinking, bumbling, loud talking I really  don't have any idea how to answer your question intelligently kind of Chicago refugee.


    Your my hero for giving it a shot. We all know everyone has a better idea than I. Just need a bit of a nudge to get it. Sorry for all my short cummings!

    Yeah, this is a great question. Try getting a serious response from those people that don't agree with his political philosophy, none of which has a direct corelation with his IQ.


    Oh ya thanks, having a good time with your help. Yes I get it, I'm dealing with quite a brain trust. Me just tryin' to get the pulse of the truly sharp-& I do appreciate the input. Thanks kindly. You do provoke a bit of thought-Forever in your debt.

    If he is tested and shown to be a genius, then he is a genius and no ones opinion makes any difference one way or the other. No need to be in my debt. You sound like a brain trust all by yourself. Me thinks you are full of it.

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