    how doi know my husband is sick of me

    +2  Views: 1387 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Dear Rc2020,I hope you are greeting this day with smiles . May happiness find you this day . Its 7:23 am here in Albuquerque and the sun is just coming up . Lots of people getting busy every where here .So many things to do this day .Here I am thinking of you . I wish you all the best and a special  happy day !!!! God Bless you and keep you safe .

    This is sad and very bad timing to be getting this revelation now. I hope its not so ,but if it is I hope you pass through these days quickly with little pain . We all have new beginnings hind sight most always says even though it sucked at the time it was t he best thing . Sorry !!!!                  Bill


    I am sorry blue I am on your side.

    Beautiful answer, bluesman.

    If you have to ask "How do you know if your husband is sick of you", Than he probably is.

    You answered your own question!! 

    He told you?

    Just the feeling that something is wrong is hurtful.  What is it that makes you think this?  I don't really have the education, intuition, or suppositions to make decisions, but based on my unpleasant life experiences, I would approach him with your concern.  My only suggestion would be to not start off with a negative connotation to myself.  I'd say something along the lines of, "I've been feeling really uncomfortable with US lately.  Can we talk about why I'm feeling this way?" 

    I hope its just a rough patch youre going through rc.Im wondering how YOU are feeling?Can you talk it through with him?

    Well, if he is, perhaps the thing to keep in mind is that it is also the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Which isn't always a bad thing, especially if you've been living a life where there isn't much happiness. Now is perhaps that chance to find happiness. Sure, there will be some painful times, there always is. But, the thing to remember is the importance of being kind to yourself, and moving past it.

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