    Why do guys have to mess with your mind?

    +3  Views: 593 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    No . Not at all . I am 60 you are a good bit younger is my guess . This thing between men and women has been going on for century's. Your life is just starting and I am in the last half. To say I have seen many things would be putting it lightly . My words were meant to be light hearted  and given  in the spirit of a Grandfather  with kindness. Sorry if you thought it was mean ,thats not my style at least not here . Point is women drive us men nuts as well, so you should not feel alone going in circles ? Thats where my comment came from regarding a two way street . I truly wish you all the best and may what ever is going on resolve itself in a good way !                                                                                                 Merry Christmas !!!                                       Bill

    If you make it easy for them to mess, some will. Try not to appear so vulnerable, stand up to them, then they may think twice. By the way, all guys are not like that.

    And you think this is a one sided event?????? Ha!Ha! LOL you are so funny !!!!!!

    Alyssa Wright

    Is that suppose to be mean or something?? Just asking.

    No Not at all . Women make men crazy as well . That was my point . You are sweet and I was making a point . You are far from being alone with this .

    Some folk don’t like to think and they only have the answers that they have been taught was true and they accepted that without question. Some folk enjoy thinking and playing with thoughtful expressions that other folk may find disturbing. Those of us who enjoy thought go at it as if it were a game and play novel expressions as a stimulate toward other interesting views. The potential for subtleties and nuances of expression are endless and each variation of shade and color gives all of us a wider pallet to grace our every thought.

    It's a power over thing... completely horrible.  Ignore and move on... you won't miss a jerk.

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