    How do you stop missing someone????

    I'm trying to hold myself together... Have you ever missed someone constantly?


    +3  Views: 796 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Perhaps you might never stop missing someone , but for the most part time will do it's job..


    thank you. you're right, I might never stop missing him .... and time will tell.

    I know your having a difficult time just now, in some ways it,s worse than a bereavement, the old cliche really is true," time is a great healer " I know you still love him and can,t understand why he has done this to you , but given time I think you will realise that even if he did come back to you, he,s did this terrible thing to you once and is most likely to again, leopards don,t change their spots very often. You need to move on, I know it,s easy for me to say that, but I have been through similar and I know the pain and the hurt goes away. Find someone decent, there are lots out there, I wish you all the best and luck for the future.


    Thank you for your kind word. Man B (didn't) do anything to me... think was me, was hoping it would lead to something more meaningful, guess I'm not good enough for him (?)... can't stop wishing he's mine to have and to keep. (sigh). I've been surrounded myself with caring friends and go out here and there, but whenever I'm alone in my thought and by myself, he would be there. I know it will get better, if I can get over many disappointments/heartaches in the past, I certaintly can get through this.. it just I've never feel like this strong pull for anyone before and know I won't let my heart be this vunerable for anyone again- too egregiously painful.

    I hope you move on with your life because you deserve better and when one door closes another one opens .....

    Darci... That's what I've been telling myself... Hopefully the next opened door leads me to him

    If you have lost a loved one you will never stop missing them, but the hurt and the pain of loss will eventually turn into all the memories, all the good times and the bad, and you will always remember them as you loved them when you were together, loving memories never to be forgotten


    Lovely answer ROMOS and so very very true x

    I've lost someone to someone. All I have left were the good times and memories we had together in the short period we met. I miss him everyday; it's been like this since Sept 2011. Whenever I think of him or say his name, I feel this deep of loss and sadness.. I can't fathom why he threw me away, US away (my side of story). Do you think he'll come back to me someday soon? :(

    Peg- I am sorry he left you for someone else!  He broke your heart! What every one is saying is true- time heals....but how much time is individual.  This time of year makes missing someone worse because it is supposed to be a happy time.  But for many this season isn't so happy.  There are two sayings I like. "give time time" and "fake it til u make it"  with the second I suggest you continue yur life- keep up with friends, keep doing the activities you like "fake" being ok- eventually YOU WILL BE OK. Your feelings are legitimate and it's so good you can talk about how you feel.  But please don't let them run your life- it will cause you to be miserable for a longer time.  I'm sending A HUGE HUG to you!

    Have your sights recalibrated, check for windage and elevation.  Practice, practice..

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