I have a large orange and white tabby, long fur and very bushy tail like a raccoon, been told he is part maine coon? he is friendly at times, but will turn on a dime and bite when least expected? is that normal? he is 9 months old, or will be January 1st,,,,, we have had him since he was 6 months old, got him from local shelter, he weighed 10 lbs then, but must wt, closer to 13lbs now,,, loves to play, play and play some more, but at 70. my energy level is low. amd skin is thin so have had a few nasty bites which I would love to tame him from doing. any suggestions? Thanks Marie
This i the first "kitten" I've had in 9 years, I love him to pieces but sure wish he was more of a lap kitten then he is. maybe as he grows oder?
I will look at the Norweigen forest cat site and see if there is a resemblance to my dear little playful ball of fur! can't help but love him.... thanks for your input.... I merely want him to not be so ready to turn his head to nip (bite) me....if I touch him and he wants to be let alone!!! brat!!!
6 Answers
Maine Coon Cats are one of lhe larges and oldest breed of cats. Biting and scratching can be a learned behavior, or miscommunication and will correct itself over time.Sudden unprovoct attacks with biting and scratching could also be a nervous system disorder or physical discomfort. Maine Coon Cats are very intelligent and can weigh up to 20 lbs. If these attacks dont stop, call your Vet and see if there is something physicially wrong with your cat. Cats know there is something wrong with them and cant put it into words. Good luck .
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I think that perhaps whomever had the cat before rough housed the cat too much or perhaps was a bit mean to it and ingrained in the cats behavior before you got the cat. I have a full Maine Coon cat and he is huge and gentle they call them the "Gentle Giants". I am of the belief it is all in how an animal is raised from a kitten to how they turn out but I still think this one is young enough that when it bites you hard or scratches you hard say NO biting or NO scratching and and kind of small spat on the nose or paw and eventually you will make that stop.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Some cats will only allow you so much petting. When I was a kid growing up, I had a Maine Coon Cat who was confronted by a viscious dog. The dog tried to attack the cat, and the cat clawed that dog's face up, and then rode this yelping dog across the yard like it was in some sort of wild west show. It was probably one of the funniest sights I ever saw, because the dog was a big German Shepherd.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |