19 Answers
The cat came back the very next day... the cat came back, we thought he was a gonner. The cat came back he just couldn't stay away......
The cat is probably hanging out down the street and around the corner with a few buddies... or chasing a mouse. My cats always have returned.
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Ask Worthless (my cat), if he ever wakes up............
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
i lost 2 of my cats last aug.i stil do not know what happened.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
If your cat is not fixed, he or she will disappear for quite a long time, but will eventually come back. Ask all your neighbors to check theire garages and sheds and cellars. Call your animal control officer and humane society to see if he or she is there. I hope you find your cat. I have lost my cat lucky many years ago, I still miss him terribly.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
At the moment she’s threatening my keys.
We live in the country and you would not believe the number of people who dump their cats off! Some cats have shown up here and will spend days hiding in barns! We feed them when they finally are brave enough to come out. Someone even left a pure bred Persian! We do what we can for them and most are very friendly after their fear is gone!
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Better stay away from me.....
I like cats.........lol
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
My cat disapeared for 3 weeks. A neighbor thought he was hit by a car. I searched everywhere! I went into the drainage ditches, made people check their sheds and garages, called every vet in the county I lived in and the next county over (including the pound, SPCA, and humane society) daily, posted pictures everywhere....3 weeks later he showed up (he had been 16 pounds of pure muscle) he weighed 9 pounds and had a broken hip. Oh how I mourned before he showed back up! And though he was injured and obviously VERY hungry I cried and cried from joy having him return!!! His hip got fixed well and he regained some of the weight back. He insisted on returning to the outdoors for his daily jaunts- but he chose to stay in the backyard and NEVER went near the street.
I truly hope your cat return Healthy and Soon!!!!
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Do hope you find him/her soon - look on the internet, call the local vets - put up posters asking people to look in their gardens - If your cat is a He, he may be so committed sitting waiting for the she cat - I took in a stray once who sat a whole night drenched in the rain because there was a girl cat uprstairs - good luck. I also found the owner of a stray cat on the internet "cat missing" and called the guy and he came and collected him.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |