    Have you lost any limbs ?

    Have you ever look down at your hand and seen your fingers cut off  ?   I have.

    +4  Views: 1322 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    15 Answers

    My brother lost his leg due to diabetes........

    ed shank

    I know a few people also that have lost limbs due to diabetes.

    I'm diabetic but so far so good. Thirty five years of practice......

    You've never even seen my legs. They have a lot of shape though.........

    Got to be tough. My older brother has polio,He is fithty eight and never ran.

    I am fortunate and I am sorry about your fingers. 

    So far so good.

    Thank god no, i like my hand just the way it is.

    ""Yes, in the washing machine, but it was my toes.

    yes I have a left fore finger missing.


    Was it your fault,not that it should matter,but is does? My lost was not my fault,but someone else. This was preventable. Hope the best for you ! Thanks Jesse L

    Thanks Jesse.To some extent it's always our own fault.Just for being there,in the wrong place,at the wrong time.I don't consider the loss of 1 finger a disability & after a considerable recovery time I was able to return to the same work I have always done.(Carpenter).
    I was using a faulty piece of equipment that belonged to someone else when it happened,so to some extent it was their fault but ultimately my own fault because I should have refused to use it.
    My advice Jesse, Don't sit around brooding over who is to blame.Move on.Find something else to do with your life.I know,Easier said than done,but don't give up mate.Christmas is upon upon us.Try to enjoy it & make a resolution in the new year to be happier.
    Merry Christmas,Tommy.

    Me personally no.But i did have a cat whod lost a leg in a road accident before we got her.Lovely cat who never let her disability stop her

    Sorry to here about a freind or any one that has lot a limb. I was a brick mason for 33 years. I built schools. At 51 now , I must build a new life. You have to understand a little about me. In my line of work,I was like a legend. I had beat the drinking in 1987 and built a wonderful life. I see now that it was my mason work,that made me. I have competed at the MGM in Las Vegas. I done lots of free labor helping to make repairs on people homes. Now I am ,just in the way. Word from the wise,don't build a life based on your work. I feel that I died Oct. 4-2010 at 7:00 P.M.  Hope your freind handles his lose of limb better than me. This is hard for me to except,and now I know where my freind's are,Gone. Thank-You.

    ed shank

    Sorry to hear about you injury. If you pulled your shit together once you can do it again. You obviously have the guts to want to succeed, you will make it again.

    I am so sorry to hear about your accident, especially that it was preventable and that another's error caused your loss. I hope you are taking steps to do what is necessary to get through the anger, frustration, pain (external and internal), and to focus on positive aspects of life (and there are positive, though I often am at a loss as to what they are). I agree with ed shank about being strong, and dondowling about looking for a better opportunity.
    My mom built her identity around being the bookkeeper for my dad's trucking company. When the business was sold (dad was 80, mom 76), she had a tough time... Same with me when I moved 25 years ago....had myself all figured out, then the rug got pulled out from under me. I landed on my ass, got to my feet, have fallen many times, but keep getting up, moving forward, sometimes on hands and knees, but never giving up.

    Hi jesse I am sorry for the loss of your fingers it must have been very trumatic........ one of my best friends he has only one arm and a damaged leg they managed to save the leg but its a mess and he walks with a limp he still works drives  and very very independent I know when I have been shopping with him people stare and I wonder why! because to me he is just a ordinary guy then I relize its because of his arm....I cant imagine what you saw but Jesse always think on the bright sd there are always someone worse of than you you have all your life in front of you enjoy it  

    I watched the four fingers of my left hand bend back to the top of my wrist in a fall back in 1988, three months after the birth of my middle son.  They all broke and healed a little crooked, but they function as well as the other fingers.  I am thankful.
    Fortunately, physically I am only missing my appendix and a molar.  My mom lost hearing in her right ear at 17, and at 93, she has trouble even with her hearing aid in place and a fresh battery.  She has macular degeneration (as did her sister), and is unable to read the novels she enjoyed, crochet, and drive.  She lost her only surviving sibling (12 of them originally) in July, 2001, and her husband three months later.  I have a friend who lost the GOOD eye he had.  The other eye has an obstruction and he can only see peripherally...legally blind, of course.  My cousin lost his wife to suicide (their twin sons were about 6 at the time). 
    Two of my sons have lost their voting privileges, and many career opportunities due to criminal behaviors most likely, but not exclusively, resulting from methamphetamine addiction.  I lost my marriage to divorce, my dignity and self-respect many times (unlike body parts, those can be replaced), and a couple of jobs along the way.  I am acquainted with several women who have lost their breasts to breast cancer. 
    I can not imagine (and pray I never experience) the absolute shock and terror of what has happened to you.  I'm sure I would not deal with it well at all (nor any of the examples in my answer).    

    Jesse, Just a thought.  A man of your abilities could be a great teacher.Your life isn't over just because you can't toss bricks anymore. The knowledge that you have could be passed on to so many.The world will always need tradesmen like you & me.

    My dad's girl cousin had her leg amputated all the way up to her hip  in the 20s, when she was in her 20s. . .......b/c they said it was cancer. That's the way they used to do it.......but now, the leave the knee, thank God. Ted Kennedy's son had his lower leg amputated when he was just a young teen for cancer, and he ended up skiing and everything., thank God

    Not really lost a limb thankfully,just the tip of my middle finger,crushed between 2 girders being lifted by a crane,not a problem,just one finger shorter than the others..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Thank-You, and yes I will teach my grandsons. They will be good and fast and also a company man. I will tell them that a company will not aways be there so build a family life,I didn't. Jesse L

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