    Do you have any scars on your body? If so, how'd you get them?

    +4  Views: 1057 Answers: 25 Posted: 13 years ago

    25 Answers

    appendix a scar on under my chin car crash scar on my shoulder car crash scar on my right hand three fingers glass


    dondowningir Why thank you! oxoxox

    One at my hair line when I was a kid confronting a concrete block and burst appendix that is from belly to private area.


    Wow! Ouch!

    surgery, accidents, life (internal)...they all make me what I am.

    If I look a anything crooked, I get a scar... I also have a Cesarian scar....

    Fingers and toes.


    Water signs are flirtatious... we can't help ourselves!
    dondarling you are far too sweet. :)

    Don is the most flirtatious person on here

    I have over 8 foot of surgical scares on my body plus several inches of small cuts scars from years of motorcycle riding and oil field work.


    did ya make a lot of money working in oil ?
    Headless Man

    lol.... mycatsmom, I was a pumper, no money there.

    This is not show and tell ......

    "Whip scars the wife beats me in the mornings to get her breakfast one of them "kinky chain ones .Its a hand me down from her Mum

    No scars but I have a one-inch birth mark on my calf that looks like a child’s doll burned me with a tiny iron.  One of my grandaughters is fascinated by this.  I’ve never said this before in my life.


    Two fingers and a thumb. Three instances where I put them when I shouldn't have (at work). Incision in lower abdomen from surgery. Another surgical place that I can't see, so not sure it is visible ... and only my wife would ever know.


    an inguinal hernia, huh ? or, a vasectomy. Well , you brought it up ;-)

    no exciting ones but the one on my leg is from years ago when  bench got knocked over on to it


    That's it? You're very fortunate.

    One small one over my left eye from a car accident 30 years ago, fortunitly for me it barely visable..

    ""I have some in a place where I can't show you. I'm modest so I can't pull my pants down.... You'll have to guess...


    dondowningjr you make me laugh!

    Don, I thought Eggplant is a girl

    Yes, I'm female.

    Lots and lots!!!!

    1. head scar from  cracked skull , 2.  belly scar  navel going south,  cancer,3.  knee scar  ball playing, 4. scars on arms motorcycle  wreck road rash,5. scar on  forarm  tatoo removed.


    I couldn't spell sebaceous right, but, yep, that was it. Looked like a little football! :D Good riddance..

    kamp med kurt


    Translation: struggle with kurt

    He was "castrated."Wow.

    several, but one under my chin bothers me, I fell through the lid of a friends washing machine lid , I was trying to balance on the edge of her bath ( shared laundry room) after a big night, the new lid cost me $100, and eight stitches under my chin.

    2 little finger, Triumph 2000 engine rolled on to it for 1, 2nd washing up pint glass broke and took knuckle. Forefinger 5 stitches brother hit it with a rock when I was small . Top of head brother hit me with a shovel. Fore head 41mm spanner slipped off Actros trackrod 2nd forehead ractchet slipped off exhaust bolt over head. Stomach Appendix scar . Right knee 26 stitches ` car accident may have more they spring to mind


    boy ! and I thought my brother was bad. He used to hit me almost every day .

    Two bullet holes (bad day in Dodge), appendix removed, 6 inch scar where bone came through right leg (motorcycles and beer don't mix), 200 stitches on back of head (engine exploded at the light). Three knuckles on right hand barely visible (broken over a period of time excersizing survival techniques to survive in the city). Other than that not a blemish.


    It's surprising on this site, how many people had an appendectomy and/ or a motorcycle or car crash

    I don't but this might help:

    Over 100, none from surgery (never had one). All of them because I always did things in my way. I got tne on my righ hand (3/16"X2") when I was 6 years young while doing something on the end of a 20 feet tall standing telephone pole.

    On my right facial cheekbone, there is a small scar from a cyst removal.
    My appendectomy has two scars. One goes from where the incision normally begins and ends about an inch to the left of my navel (they ruptured and doc couldn't find them).  The second is very low on my right side under the appendectomy scar from the "drain" ....  that thing resembled a lasagna noodle.
    Minor cuts and scrapes left little scars here and there.
    Just above my left eyelid I have a scar from 6 stitches....Didn't get the softball glove up in time to catch the line drive......
    AND, like doolittle,  many internal scars from the hurts of life, poor choices, and heartbreaks.  You don't have to look past my eyes to know they are there. 


    We all have those inner scars :-\

    Can we tag you with the nickname NOODLE just kidding Bet we had same type cyst removed Sebacous cyst I believe they are called 2 of 'em for me L.R.

    b/c I had 3 surgeries in 3 years. I've had the same incision cut into 3 times !  The first one was a hysterectomy, if you must know. The 2nd one was for a hernia, b/c the woman surgeon didn't sew me up right.... from the inside out, like she was supposed to. The 3rd one was from the same hernia came back and brought it's brothers and sisters with it ! The one was on my left side of the incision. The other 3 were on my right side of the incision.So much for the mesh implant. That surg was just last year, in 2010 ! That hurt !  It sill hurts !


    :[ Yes, we do..... hopefully we haven't caused too many!


    " Scar from above my right eyebrow runnin down along side of my nose, due to (Bronc-ridin) & broken nose,one across my back due to flip-in my truck over offroadin in the desert, another time for saloon fightin, had it fixed somewhat that very night by a buddy in same saloon, cain't tell it'd been broken lessin you look at me dead on.And one long scar runnin down my "heart" from which,I assume is now my x-wife aint seen her in 2 ,yr now come this past "September", I ain't never even been served papers, lives back east." " I suppose (Life) goes on! " " But I'm still rasin hell just like I did and I got a lot of crazy friends & they forgive me of sins & I'm still out there havin fun! " ;)

    I have 3 scars on my wrist, one on my leg and one on my upper arm. The saddest part of all is that they were all self inflicted. I am a mother of a 7 year old boy and how selfish i feel for hurting myself like that. Depression is a terrible disorder. I will never do anything like that again.


    Oh, I am so sorry! It can so very difficult raising children, especially when we, ourselves, are less than whole at the time. Please don't hurt yourself anymore. Your body is doing all it can to carry you through each day, don't hinder it, help it. Our bodies work so hard for us each day, give it a break, at least! So hope you are receiving pro help and better outlets for your disorder as well as, mood-altering therapies. Thoughts and prayers on wings to you. Merry Christmas!

    Thankyou for your kind words

    Thank you for your honesty Kimba,i wish love and for things to improve xxx

    Kimba sorry to hear this I am glad you have got past the nitemares on self harming have known alot of people who have selved harmed be strong my sweetheart and remember another day is a head oxoxoxox

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