    Why was I physically assaulted by your delivery driver?


    +1  Views: 407 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    Yes, of course there was more to the situation. I wish that I had not posted this, it was done at a time when I was quite upset. Without going into detail, it all started when I took a long time checking a package from Amazon. Having had two incorrect items delivered, I wanted to make sure that Amazon had got it right this time. The driver was very rude to me, telling me that he didn't have all f*****g day to "ponce about" waiting for me. I responded by calling him a foul mouthed ignorant little man...........So there you go.
    I'll tell you his side of the story if you like. In court, with a view to lessen his sentence, he told me that he was sorry, but he hah had a bad day, The magistrate, after looking at his previous record told him that "That day was not so bad as today," and sent him to prison for nine months.
    Any other questions or comments boys and girls?

    5 Answers

    This is akaQA, not amazon.

    You are the only person I ever heard of being assaulted by a delivery driver! What is your part in this? These sorts of things just don't happen for no reason. Something would have had to initiate it.

    I'd like a little more detail............

    Is too po to have a driver.  What r u asking and to whom?

    Did you say something "rude to him?Always two sides to a story.

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