    Just for fun! Drinking and driving! I would like to share an experience with you: having to do with drinking and driving. As you know some of us have had brushes with the authorities over the years. The other night I was out for dinner with a few friends. After consuming too many cocktails, and knowing full well I was inebrited, I did something I've never done before. Believe it or not-I took a bus home. Yes, a bus! I arrived home safely and without incident. This was really a surprize to me sin

    +6  Views: 486 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    To correct this_ This was really a surprize to me since I've never driven a bus before!

    10 Answers

    You drove the city bus home ? !  Are you still drunk ?


    Its a joke! LOL

     Bottoms Up As Chiangmai said I"ll drink to that well done we should all take a note out of your book!


    I'll drink to that.

    Good on you they should make it easier to catch public transportation, better yet they  could get all those buses they use to force the kids to go to different schools on and ride around from bar to bar and drive the impaired home on..

    I was wondering what the law is on taking a bus? I bet they are looking for it.

    Well done on catching the bus.A few years ago my son was involved in a serious drink driving incident(yes ,he was the driver).He lost a brilliant job ,his then girlfriend and of course his license.He was incredibly fortunate not to have been seriously injured or killed in that accident

    I do not like to drink or get drunk. So when I go to a bar its for coffee, non-alcohol beverages, conversation, dancing and I am the designated driver, of course. In most rural communities that have neither cab or bus service you can call the police for a ride home. So I get along well with police on the Friday night drunk driving traps. 

    Very wise decision, and you were not as inebriated as you might have thought you were, other wise you  wouldn't have had the smarts to take the bus and you wouldn't have remembered anything. Give yourself credit there............

    I am proud of you. More people should be doing that. I wish there was public transportation in the little podunk town I live in. Here you can hitch a ride, call someone to come after you, or sometimes business owners give you a ride. I am usually the DD. Trust me, no one is a lot of fun drunk,  I f you 

    are the sober one. 

    You didn't finish the joke. I've heard it before and the punch line is pretty cute.  Something about never having driven a bus before.........did I give it away?


    Yes Julie! I wrote that but apparently all didn't post! No wonder I got some serios answers! Sorry everyone!

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