    I would like sony to donate an ebook to my daughter who has had crohns disease for 20 years and now has cancer

    I am her mother and I am disabled also. I don't know if you realize, our government keeps disabled people on the poverty line. My daughter is now 41 and goes to chemo every 21 days and sits for 5 hours every time. She loves to read and I can't even afford to buy her a book, but would love to present her with an ebook. I know you probably think this is ridiculous to ask for, but I have watched her suffer most of her life and spent many many months in hospitals and years listening to her screaming  in pain. I had to ask .  Merry Christmas

    +1  Views: 836 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: urgent

    1 Answer

    I'm sorry your daughter has cancer. I just found out today that my cousin has uterine cancer. I had it too. , but hers is more advanced. Her chemo schedule is pretty much like your daughters. I will pray for your daughter adn my cousin.......that they will get well.

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