    someones spreading a really nasty rumour about you.

    What do you do??I can have a pretty good guess at where it started but cant prove it

    +7  Views: 1124 Answers: 21 Posted: 13 years ago

    21 Answers

    If the rumour is getting spread to your circle of friends,and your friends know you well enough, they should not believe the rumour about you.

    If some one asks just say it is not true.. It will blow over.. Dont give t too much of your time.

    Approach the person that you suspect (do it face to face) and ask him/her, "Have you heard the rumor that is going around about me"?  (That way, you are not accusing anyone.)  Watch for a reaction and take it from there.

    I'm assuming this rumor is going around at work, and that you may have breaks or lunch times with several co-workers who may have heard the rumor.  You could actually bring it up at such a time,  "Wow, I just heard the nastiest, most cruel rumor about myself, of all people.  I can't imagine why someone would say such mean things about me.  Have you heard it?  Someone said ..blah blah blah.....   I feel sorry for the person who has to stoop to vicious lies in order to have a good day".  
    By bringing it up yourself, you are actually extinguishing the fire, meeting it head on and dismissing it without ever having to defend yourself.  The dip-sh/t who started it is now on the defensive and will probably just shut up. You smell like  a rose, taking pity on the culprit instead of ranting indignantly.
    Whatever you do, keep your head up, your eye contact with everyone, and don't accuse anyone of starting it.  
    Let us know what happens.  I'm so sorry you have to deal with this kind of crap. 


    Good answer its a sick .Always one rotten apple in a "barrel.

    You could ask the culprit what he thinks he's doing.


    Thanks Clu but i cant prove where it came from.What i do know is that its the biggest load of b******* ive heard in a long long time

    I'm sure folks who know you will also see what BS it is!

    I am very sensitive about that, so I know who said what, what they said, who they said that to and where all it has gone. I think everyone can do that if they listen up. I usually do nothing about what I’m hearing and pretend not to be so aware. But I know, some one will clue me in occasionally and it’s generally no big deal. But some folk are vicious and attempt to use their thoughts as so sort of imaginary weapon to inflict pain or injury. That part of God in each of us handles that sort of problem  effectively. I don’t attack or defend my position. They just find other things to do with their life and thinking. 

    Ignore them. Ever heard what goes around comes around? Karma is a bit**, baby!

    Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, and sold it at a garage sale........

    Confront the culprit and ask them why in front of all your' buds..

    Scat Happens

    They are giving somone else a rest then

    Many thanks everybody.Im still rattled about it.Without going into too much detail,its something id never ever dream of doing.


    When someone did me wrong, I always tell myself: Never let anyone takes your joy away. God will revenge for you. Don't lose your sleep on it. some people are sooo miserable, they make a living by making others miserable too; it's their mission -really.

    Oh if it wasnt true let them enjoy it wouldnt bother me


    Rumors are started by people who have a low self-esteem about them selfs and the life they lead. Buy a book on how to improve your self-esteem and leave it the break area.

    Thanks pej.

    UGGH!  Been there- so not fun!  People who spread gossip and rumours are not bored.  They are not nice.  And I have had "friends" buy into them- when they were absolutely untrue rumous !  Remember this the next time somebody tells you something about someone else and simply respond. Huh, that does not sound right.  I'll have to mention this and see what he/she says.  Or BETTER YET- shut them down by saying "I don't listen to gossip or rumours" If that person wants me to know something he/she will tell me.  This second one shuts people up!!!


    Perhaps I didn't explain myself well. I stop them when they start and tell them "idon t...(see above) It does work. And after the horrific and sad experience I had I wont even listen to the crap!

    I can only say that for someone to resort to something like that, it really doesn't say much about them. It's just plain chickenshit, and most people realize it. I've known people like that, and just plain told them I don't want to hear it's just like it sucks the life out of a good day. Usually people like that don't have good self-esteem. If they have to run somebody down to feel good about themselves, that's pretty screwed up! I'd confront them in a way that wasn't accusing, but letting them know you are aware of the bullshit. Sometimes, some people just plain suck!

    Trust your friends will know better than to listen to some small minded person that has little else to do than spread nasty rumors I would however be tempted to approach the person and correct their information ( or misinformation), and perhaps ask the reason behind their behavior I might also explain that I would not tolerate it, it should cease, and an apology may be in order, Im not tolerant of gossips.

    I go through that kind of stuff at work all the time mostly because of one 55 year old woman that just loves to go from one person to another and start something on me or anyone else she can and "stir the pot so to speak".  That is why I have just learned to do my work, ignore them because I have found that the more you try to get it stopped even though none of her crap is true the worse things get at work because these people are all in their 40's and 50's and act like juevinile delinquints so yes I finally am trying to get it through my head that God say's revenge is his and oddly enough I have seen some of their stuff backfire on them.  It makes it tough one always wants to stand up for themselves and in the workplace it is even harder when the one starting the vicious rumors on all is the bosses pet.  You hang in there, work hard, hold your head up take the high road and don't participate in any of their shenigans at all think that is best.

    " (Ignore) it your a bigger person then the so called  (rumor) ! "

    Thank you everyone for your support and advice.It really is appreciated.The rumour was that i was knocking off a married man(he isnt and never has been)It really upset me at the time as its something i would never ever do.My friends  that are important to me know this and to me now really,thats all that matters.The nasty,gossipy tittle tattlers dont.Thank you again everyone xxx

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