    Do Jehovahs witnesses celebrate Christmas? If not, why not ?

    +2  Views: 733 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    No, they do not.  Because no where in the bible does it say to do so....Same as birthdays, 4th. of July, etc....


    They are too busy ringing my doorbell and trying (unsuccessfully) to convert me.

    NO..It makes me wonder just what it is they do celebrate..


    They celebrate their own form of Easter, that's the only day the bible writes to do so...


    No they do not I believe as they do not believe in Jesus Christ.

    If you visit, go to the search field at the top right of the screen. Type in Christmas and it answers that question thoroughly. In summary, the website explains how the Bible does not even give the date of Jesus’ birth, but December 25 was chosen in the year 350 by Pope Julius I. Nowhere in the Bible will you find that Jesus’ disciples who walked with him ever celebrated Christmas. This is in part because none of God’s servants in Bible times celebrated birthdays. The Christmas celebration has roots in a pagan celebration honoring Saturn, the false god of agriculture and two other mythical sun gods. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe it is important to imitate the Christians of the Bible who honored Jesus by obeying his command to commemorate his death, not his birth. (Luke 22:17-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26) Every year there is a worldwide campaign inviting everyone to observe this occasion.  When you visit the website, you will find that compared to the Bible almost every facet of Christmas is either a distortion of the Bible accounts or pagan in origin.

    They don't believe in Jesus. They don't ring our doorbell anymore. My husband kept them talking on Hinduism. Finally, they said they had to go and shot through.

    No they dont celebrate chrismas but my mom does just to keep us kids happy lol. :)

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