2 Answers
FooPets is a funvirtual world for people. Many people are on it. You first can adopt a pet but you have to have ClubFoo membership which costs about $5.00 each month. If you order a FooDollar package, you get a FREE month of Membership. And, if you pick certain times ( 1 Mo. 6 Mo. 1 Year ), you get the price LOWER!! And, once you have Membership, you get to adopt a pet. The newest pet is the Mastiff. My sister has lots of Mastiffs. She loves it. And, once you get a pet, you can feed, water, play, and make it happy!! Then, you can accelerate it's age if you want it to have puppies. If you want to breed, you'll have to get a Litter License for 100 FooDollars or like 200,000 FooGems or something. And, FooDollars are hard to get unless you order them, FooGems you get daily allowance. If you are a Membership, you get a extra 5 FooDollars every daily login. And, you WILL LOSE YOUR PET IF IT'S NOT CARED FOR!! And, to breed, get a LL. Once you have one, you find another person to breed with and they have to have a LL. But, if you want to breed your own pets, you have to have a Female and a Male. It's better if they are the same breeds. I will go on tommorrow.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_foopets#ixzz1gzCVPZ3n
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