    Brain Tumors / Survival Rates

    +2  Views: 658 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    My brother lasted 8 yrs.

    All depends on where (operable or not) there are lots of treatments, but a friend swears he cured his (or at least he's in remission and has been for 10 years) he ate apricot kernels,they contain arsenic and  are illegal here to buy commercially but they are available on the net. However I would research it first.

    it may depend on how soon its found and how fast its treated

    It really depends on the type of tumor.  Some are non-cancerous- survival rate=healthy individual Unless it is near the brain stem, is in-operable, radiation doesnt work, and it grows (a lot of ifs there) For some cancerous tumors (also called lesions) a special type of radiation therapy can actually destroy them!  There is one type of brain tumor that grows quickly and radiation and chemo. doesn't work well.  I'm sorry to hear this question.  But my advice to all is to live one day at a time and try to have a good laugh or two everyday because we never know when our "show" will be over.

    Now that  IS interesting lambshank.........

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