    Prayer and/or good thoughts request.

    RIck and Heather were married earlier this year.  She has three children (quite young) and they are expecting a baby due in April.  Last night (12/16), Heather went into premature labor.  She will be hospitalized for the next 14 weeks, in hope the baby will stay put until the chances of survival are much, much better.
    Prayers, etc. are requested for Heather and their baby, and especially Rick and the three children....he has a huge responsibility upon him and the strain of his wife and child being in a serious condition at the same time.  
    I'll keep you posted.  THANK YOU. 

    +8  Views: 1063 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: unca

    11 Answers

    You really don,t have your troubles to seek do you Bob? My thoughts are with you and yours, stay positive. ROMOS.

    Bob I am so sorry to hear about Heather beeing in the hopital.. My heart goes out to Rick and his family and you! I will pray for all of you . May God bless you all. Thinking of you all with love and prayers! Ann

    Consider it done!  I hope all goes well for all of them.

    All the best to them. Great hopes that all will turn out well and they will have a happy addition to their family. 

    Wishing this family strength and good health to the unborn child.

    Know you stay in my thought and wishes, I'll include this in my prayers...........

    I am so sorry to hear this Bob I do send my preyers for all of the family including you be strong for them as I know you will

    Prayers to the family

    Whoever they are, my best wishes and hopes for them to be well.

    hope all turns out well for the family, a difficult time for them, hope they have lots of support, my best wishes go out to them

    Lots of prayers flying around out there, mine being one of them. All will be good.

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