    why were the colonist unhappy with the britsh rule

    +1  Views: 266 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    The voice of our leaders here were completely ignored and taxes were paying for a war with Spain while we were receiving no benefit for those taxes. That our representatives had no effect on the decision to tax everything from England including fabric, tea and condiments including those produced here for trade….was too much to have to bare. So the British Colonys here in America saw an opportunity to become an independent and free nation in the world. Such opportunities do not often come when a break-away colony can reasonably see such potential. Our leaders were not radicals. Many were reluctant to join with the rebellion especially those who had been appointed to their position by the Crown. Many British soldiers and officers had been awarded land for their service to the crown and had married here while in service. The choice to break our bond to England was desperate  and there was no turning back. Our leadership faced death should their efforts fail. Thus this country had no choice but to win our freedom by pulling together and uniting in a bound of mutual respect and the common goal of freedom from tyranny.     

    Has much changed as far as taxes and money being spent on somone elses` war.?

     Do the people have any more freedom than those settlers in real terms?

     We certainly don`t in Australia, pay taxes all your working life and get a pittance for a pension whilst pollies get massive pay increases and retire after couple of terms with a pension 10 times that of Joe Blow who paid the pollies wages anyway.

    They were getting taxed to death and had no freedoms of their own. They were policed by British soldiers and governors. 

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