    Do you give money to beggars?

    A deeply religious friend says he always gives money, but others say that they are just collecting money to feed their drug habit. Discuss.

    +5  Views: 1305 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago

    19 Answers

    I give food.  I figure if they are really down and out they'll appreciate it.  So far, all but one has.  I started handing out food (usually packaged peanut butter crackers yrs. ago when i drove through the city.  I gave out fruit until the one "ungrateful"  guy winged the apple he took back at my car.  I even took someone into a nearby fast food restaurant.  Why no $. Many reasons but the main one- yrs. ago on the news there was this dude who worked full time and the would change into rags and collect $ at rush hr. and on the weekends.  He bought a house from the $ he collected as a beggar.  Pissed me off.  (He made money to live and buy fancy furniture & electronics from his real job.  Had Full benefits too.)  Clever? maybe.  Right? no way!  (He wasn't the one who chucked the apple back at my car- but that dude may have been saving up for a house too...or wanted $ for other reasons.





    Good comment.You don't work to give it away to someone who is running a nice little scam.

    Me, too, Doolittle. No cash, but what I am carrying home from the restaurant I just left or the grocery store I'm driving home from. Takes care of a very basic need, with no options for them involved, but to eat.

    Most " beggars " in my area are European immigrants, and they  " beg " more money than I earn, so no ,they get nothing from me, apart from one woman who lives close by and I know struggles all the time.

    No I give to Charity's Cancer heart In the Uk you dont have to beg .You get help if you want it.


    That is the nice thing about Socialized Governments! Love the UK!

    I don’t know much about socialized governments. I don’t know much because I have a limited ability to understand. I’m totally confused by what’s going on in United States right now.
    I think many people would think less of me because of my inability.
    But then ... I know I’m as bright as many people.
    I think the Uk is the place for me.
    I give what I can to street people. I don’t have much.

    I know a lot of people who "fly signs" and most do it as part of their living.  Some support drug habits, one guy I spoke with made his rent that way.  I'll give a buck to the most clever of signs, reward for imagination as it were......


    Interesting way to think about it.
    I’ve never heard the term “fly signs” before. I’ve also never heard, “I’ll five a buck ...” Pardon me if that’s a typo.

    THE last time I gave money to a beggar, he walked into a convenience store two doors down and came out with a beer.  
    I will buy someone a meal.  No cash, no way, no more.   


    I watched someone hand over money and the recipient walked 2 blocks down the street and into a casino!

    No i don't, here in Australia the government gives pensions(Veterans pension,old age pension,dissability pension).Most of the beggars choose to blow thier money on drugs, alcohol,gambling, then they hit the streets crying poor.

    I have done so but only when I get the feeling deep in my gut telling me I need to do so.  I have to stop and think there go I but for the grace of God  sometimes.  


    My gut is so dam unreliable. I want to give to everybody. I don’t do so because I’d soon be out.

    I understand that as well ....

    I only give to organizations that I know are credible.  They, in turn, look after others in need.  For the most part, they know who truly needs help.  I don't like to waste money on anyone who will simply continue feeding their various addictions...on my money.

    My wife and I use to give $ but now she carries in her car  small paper bags with goodies and essential items toothbrush, toothpaste TP etc.(trial size)  If they are really In need they will appreciate it. If they have kids with them  I get real soft. And if its  a scam then so be it.

    I don't give money to beggars, I give food instead. They could use money to buy drugs, and I don't support that. I recalled many years ago while taking college classes, I met this " street " woman using a 6-9 yo daughter to beg for money. I only made mistake once giving all the changes I had. when I saw them the next day, I just ignored them. To these days, still couldn't believe she used her kid to do that. Smh.

    I have one 68 year old friend who flies a sign and sleeps where she lays and on bad weather nights will spot me $10 for a night on my recliner....She has saved over $28,000 in the bank but wants something to leave her kids....


    What is "flies a sign"?

    The signs are what they carry, flash, to attract attention. The are "flying a sign".....

    Oh okay. I've not heard the expression "flies" I guess, when referring to a sign. Thanks.

    I never really noticed begging until I landed at LAX.

    I was really quite shocked at the number of beggars outside the airport.

    It got worse as we travelled across the country & into Mexico.

    I started out giving but after a while I realized that the budget just wasn't going to allow it.

    I gave mainly to the guys who professed to be Vietnam Veterans.I don't know whether they were or not but I figure they got a pretty raw deal from their govt.

    You seldom see beggars here in Australia apart from the odd wino who will hit you up for a smoke.



    I give to Vietnam Veterans too. I tell you, those men have a look in their eyes that just gives them away.
    They got a bad deal from the government and it got really bad when they returned home and all their peers jeered at them and called them “Baby Killers” and other horrid things.
    The United States appreciates veterans now.

    Good on you Itsmee. In this country a soldier is a soldier,no matter where he has served,win or lose.and that's the way it should be.I can't remember any 20 year old kid actually asking to go to Vietnam,they were conscripted & sent.We think our young men did us proud over there and Vietnam Veterans are generally held in very high regard over here.

    Shes not a beggar but i did give money to a big issue seller recently,didnt take the magazine though.I think in todays financial climate it must be only too easy to lose your home


    If we're not careful, we could lose our very pants we wear, too, jus saying...

    gave her my gloves today,her hands were cold,it was the right thing to do

    I am with Jenn... I give food.

    yes I do and if they have a dog I will buy some dog food as well


    I give them food.

    Last time I gave 10 cents (all the change I happened to have in my pocket) he ttrew them back in my face which (luckily for me) he missed. I kept walking...


    Ye, I get the same s**t in a foreign language, but I know what they

    i give my money to beggers it makes me happy one time iam in the city there was a man who was homeless i give hem a $1 not much becouse me and my friend brought a burger so i give the man the money and i pat hem on the back and he smiled makes me wannya cry with joy from waltherp38

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