    What is your favorite Beatles song?

    +15  Views: 2245 Answers: 26 Posted: 12 years ago

    I read the news today,

    26 Answers

    i just love the Beatles in general, and that hair moving back and forth as they played their instruments and sang.  i remember the chaos when they hit the United States.


    Tabber, i was lucky enought to 'see' them in concert --- i could not hear them because of the screaming

    COME TOGETHER.   just a little weird

    Let It far and large..............

    I love, love, love, Beatle songs........especially the early, melodic ones with good harmony. I especially love the songs on Rubber Soul.and the album '' Help ''

    Hey Jude


    I 2nd that....

    I could come closer to choosing an album than just a song...........


    Ohhhh.Come on. Pick ONE !

    Yeah, like Rubber Soul, or Help,

    Hey Jude,but I prefer Paul Mcartney and Wings rather than the Beatles.


    Yeah, me too.

    The Beatles will always be no.1

    John Lennon -- No. 9 Dream 


    Nice song, haven't heard it before.
    Do you know what does it mean 'bwakawa pouss, pouss'? from the lyrics

    Okay I do not know what "bwakawakawa pousae, poussae" means. I have ALWAYS wondered. The song haunts me.
    How did you know about "bwakawakawa ...." if you haven't heard the song.

    "So long ago, was it in a dream?
    Was it just a dream?
    Take a walk down the street
    In the wind whispered trees ..."
    Someone whispered my name <John>
    as it started to rain <John>

    That's as far as I can go. Haven't heard it for a long long time. I am rushing to buy groceries but I will try to send this song to you tonight. You've got to hear it. I was never a Beatles fan but at one time I had all of John Lennon's albums.

    I just meant I haven't heard it before your answer, then I've listened to it :)

    ok ... I read the John used that obawabawapousse pousse were just words he found pleasing. Glad you heard it. It will stick with you forevermore. : D

    Norwegian Wood. - Evokes great memories.


    that was about the first song I ever taught myself on the guitar. Used to sing it all the time.



    I go with this one,

    Ooblaa Dee Ooblaa Da Life Goes On....Lucy in the sky with diamonds...when im 64....yellow submarine....get back...let it be...hey Jude..Imagine...I can't pick! DC has a radio station that plays an all Beatles X-mas....Baltimore plays the Beatles New Yrs Day!  & when we went to college our mom gave away our Beatles albums (for you kids out there albums were made of vinyl and a good turntable had a diamond on the arm that went into the vinyl"s grooves helping to create the sound- which, by the way, was all we had...until tapes, 8 track tapes, and then CD's.  Radio came first.)


    OObla dee was sung by "Marmalade.

    the Beatles sing a song with those lyrics.

    It is a Lennon/ MCartney song, Marmalade did a cover version of the song.

    Get Back ---- Something --- All Beatle songs are my favourites.

    You've got to hide your love away

    'here I stand head in hand turn my face to the wall, If she's gone I can't go on feeling two foot small' 


    that was about the 2nd song I taught myself on the guitar. Used to sing that all the time too.

    I love to look up lyrics. For the new year, I'm going to print out one song a day. I see you like them too.

    I love to look up lyrics. For the new year, I'm going to print out one song a day. I see you like them too.

    Yep.I'll go with that one too.


    ed shank

    Lovely Linda, short but sweet.

    When Im 64


    There were bells on the hill,

    But I didn`t hear them ringing

    Until there was you

     No, I didn`t hear them at all

    Til there was you

    HEY JUDE.....

    All of them

    Very tough question.I saw them in concert at the Brisbane Festival hall.1964 (Ithink).I loved all their stuff but I guess "You've got to hide your love away" will do for now.


    Hey Tom , i saw them live as well in Adelaide, couldn't hear one note for the screaming, it was worth the 10 pounds my parents paid, i was still in High School.

    WOW 10 quid! Your folks got a bargain.My folks didn't pay for my ticket & it cost me 16 quid.
    you're right,it was hard to hear them some friends told me it was easier to hear them outside of the building tha it was if you were inside.Something to do with accoustics.But the audience was just as entertaining as the Beatles with girls fainting & so on.:)



    That was just John Lennon, still a good song though.

    I have two complete Beatle CD sets, i like  the songs that much, i haven't a favourite song as they are all my favourites, 'Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end' another song by Lennon/McCartney, sung by Mary Hopkins.


    Yes those were the days Kent.A great time to be a teenager.


    Very hard to choose it would be imagine words are very moving not taking away belief but living in peace

    "A Day in the Life" 

    back in the ussr,,    ..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....My Sweet Lord


    Not a Beatles song, it was one of Georges', good one though, no tu for you.

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