    How can I stop automatic monthly payments for products/services I no longer want?

    0  Views: 498 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    You can write the company a letter to stop services.  Then contact your bank to stop sending payments to that vendor.  You'll need to read your contract.

    That can be a bugger.  I've tried on-line and keep getting looped back to the beginning.  They hope that you'll give up eventually.  What does work, unfortunately as a last resort, is to cancel that particlar account, checking or credit card.  I have done this 2 times.  Now I NEVER accept a purchase that includes or authorizes an automatic credit card or checking account payment.  And you have got to read the conditions paragraph carefully expecially when the tell you that "this is only for a one month trial, you will not be charged unless you commit to buying".  Usually that means you won't be charge if you can find a way to stop them!

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