she never used to be like that. She used to spend her time in whatever room I and my other 2 cats were in. Now, she's acting paranoid, for no reason. No, she's not senile, b/c she's only about 4 yrs old. She's been spayed , so she's not preg.
10 Answers
We have a female who's a bit like that at times, she does it more in the winter when the weather is bad and she can't get outside, she was also like it when our neghbours young kittens started coming in the garden, she bit her tail off 2 years ago when the weather was really bad.
Have you introduced a new cat to you flock, that would make her worse. Or maybe she wants your attention just to herself for a while.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
She could be sick. Animals will go off on their own when they are sick.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

Misty, my cat, was so upset when we got a kitten from the humane society, she stayed in my closet for weeks. They also go off by themselfes if they dont feel well. Try yo give her more attention. If that does not work maybe she needs medical attention.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Colleen has a good point. KItty should be examined by the vet to make sure there's nothing physically wrong with her. You could try bringing her into the room with you and holding her, petting her. She may relax after a few days of this. Possibly something spooked her and she feels safer in the basement.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
What about mice,do you know if there are any in the basement ?She might be sitting off waiting for a catch.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
mycatsmom there could be lots of reasons for her doing this
1st as Colleen said she could be ill so a trip down to the vet wouldnt hurt
2nd have you had any work done on the house or moved furniture around upstairs and down stairs as cats HATE change!
3rd its Winter and they do tend to find dark places and she finds it safe down there and maybe warm...if you find she has nothing wrong with her after being to the vet dont let her go down stairs in the basement try and coax her with food and make a bed in where the other cats are and she will feel more comfortable let us know anyway
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Here's why. They're upstairs!
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |