
    Broken heart

    I Never really knew, how a broken heart felt
    I guess I owe it to you to find it out

    I had gotten under your spell
    I believed you to be truthful as me
    But, that's not how it turned out to be

    I trusted you completely
    With my heart and my soul too
    I thought you truly loved me
    Till I found out it wasn't true

    You kept telling me your love was strong
    Why did you tease me saying that to me
    I gave you my whole self
    Couldn't you see what you meant to me

    I guess you weren't man enough
    To really tell me how you felt
    You just kept leading me on
    It didn't matter to you how I felt

    I hope you are happy now
    That you shredded my heart
    One day soon
    Someone will break Your heart

    0  Views: 682 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Thanks for sharing. 

    Don't look back. Move forward and find someone worthy of your heart. 

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