    Why do you think the naacp got involved in voter registration civil rights rally yesterday in NYC ?

    Because they say there is a nationwide support to suppress voting rights by making show identification. States passing laws to make people prove their identity to vote. This makes in my book the naacp a piece of crap organization. Somebody needs to stand up to these damn fools and put them down. This idea puts more weakness into the voting system . Bad enough it gets support from obama and acorn. Weakness like this is increasing across america , and it will destroy and change good old fashion american values. This rally was a great opportunity for  law enforcement to serve outstanding arrest warrants in the crowd. Why, because those are the type of people that get together and protest. These idiots have the right to vote, they need to prove their identity before voting. There are only two possible reasons they are crying like little babies. They have arrest warrants out on them and dont want to get caught or be seen, or they want illegals to vote , for democrats. Here is a great idea, there should be law enforcement outside the doors where people vote. The hoods will be too scared to vote thinking they will be seen, thus ensuring obama will lose.

    0  Views: 1228 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: naacp voter

    5 Answers

    For the "Advancement of Colored people."


    No, for the advancement of the illegal aliens.

    The NAACP is a racist organization hell bent on continuing the rift between the whites and the blacks. To what end, I sure as shit have never figured it out. People the likes of Al Sharpton should be prosecuted for inflaming the masses. Hate crimes are punishable in this country. Whites in this country are constantly walking on eggshells when it comes to racial issues, don't want to offend anyone of color. Black or white a s**tbag is a s**tbag. The black community has more than it's share.

    One needs to PROVE who their are to board a plane or even to buy alcohol or cash a check!  

    Of course one should need to PROVE who they are an that they are  eligible to VOTE.

    As to the reasons not to, that is bogus.   Obtaining a picture card would be FREE. as well as convenient.

    Under current law one must be REGISTERED to vote. The proposed law would even allow one to obtain the picture card where they work or WHEREVER they live, if unable to get to a place of registration, by sending qualified people out to do the job or registering voters.



    I know Jack, but thats violating their civil rights, making them prove their identity. Do you see the kind of trashy people that vote for obama. I dont want to be part of that kind of group.
    Jack Large

    Perhaps, but for the many of us who served in the US Military we did it to preserve the RIGHT to vote even for the trashy and the stupid, so they could still act and talk stupid.

    Well, you may not trust them, but from all I've read in the papers there is no evidence that voter fruad is a problem, in fact, there was an article in the washigton post today about that very thing.  Furthermore, I'm a moderate liberal and I resent being called trashy, stupid, and idiotic, by a bunch of emotional retards. But, it doesn''t look like I'm going to get what I want either.

    So, all of these people are trashy, stupid, and idiotic? Nice, some well thought out responses.  It doesn't seem to matter that evidence of voter fraud is infintesimal  and that these extra regs aren't needed or that all of these regulations seem to affect mostly blacks and minorities which vote democratic. Well, at least they aren't intellectually deprived, knuckle dragging, brainless morons. So, I guess things could be worse.


    I happen to be one of those people who doesn't trust the people who claim that evidence of voter fraud is "infinitesimal". Frankly, I only want people who are citizens of his country to vote. And I want the confidence to know that thats who is voting. And only voting once.

    One word ACORN. Lost funding, changed name , and obama gave money to them . Its full of fraud.

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