    If my cat is 5, my rat is 4, and my puppy is 3 mos. old then how old am I?

    +5  Views: 2416 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: animals

    15 Answers

    I guess 7 , which will make you  1 in dog and cat years and approx 30 in rat years, but in human years I reckon 10yrs old, only because your spelling and typing are better than mine.

    With the information you have provided, I can't even venture a guess.  Please provide the answer and explanation, if there is one.  Thanks.


    some came close to target

    "" Your pets can celebrate your birthdays.

    Old as your tongue and older than your teeth.

    Old enough - over 70 - based on the answers that you have given so far. Welcome to akaQA Forum!

    PS If you are younger than what I  guessed, forgive please, but since you are the one that asked the question my assumption is you are ready for any answer.

    I'd like to see your comments on some  answers you find worth commenting...


    Clever. Your guess puts me "Older than my years" But, then, I've been told I have an Old Soul since I was a kid-lol...Just answered a question as to why black friday is referred to as black. Feel free to read my answer if you wish. Econ/ Accounting 101- lol

    According to your profile you are 111.


    He He He

    Your older than dirt or else your , rat, cat and pup, wouldn't have a litter box..

    You're still in the womb and your mother is asking on your behalf. I don't believe you were born in 1901, per your profile.

    If you're a woman you are never older than thirty. If you are a man you only lie about your age when dating younger women, lol.

    Well I know that you are old enough to have kept the rat safe from the cat and now you will have to keep the cat safe from the dog.



    35 and i reached that conclusion by REALLY studying your photo.




    your 12 then right?

    I take a guess your about 13 yr old . by adding your animal age and count you as one. total 13.yr


    good guess. I 'd say anything above 7 because at 5 you would not know the difference, at 6 you cannot do your maths and at anything above 7, you begin to wonder whether you will outlive your pets :). I think you will. Give them good food. I.m glad you are good at Maths, a budding scientist and probable Veterinarian in the offing :). Join the club!.


    Cute answer!!:-)

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