    what is good idea for my unfaithful wife?

    +2  Views: 1126 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    20 Answers

    Are you sure she is being unfaithful? If so then, quietly leave and don't look behind.....



    "HI Tammy Wynette.

    This is not the place for your Question..........Your wife is the first place you need to have the conversion with..............STAY CALM ...... Have someone there you both are close to.........


    You're smart.

    If you,re sure , GET RID, simple.

    Leave her. This would be the only reason that I would ever consider leaving my wife. Forgiveness is not a consideration, given that we have been together since the age of five. My heart simply isn't that big.

    We do not know both sides here not want to sound like favoritism to any one  or wrong advice by not knowing all facts from both

    Don't be to quick in judging your wife! she might be unfaithfull at time,I don't know anyone that is perfect all the time..


    When married, one should be perfect as far as being faithful. If they can not do that, then they should not be married.

    In life we learn by our mistake,and forgiven each other is part of a stronger marriage,I don't know anyone that hasn't made one in a life time.

    facebook, I agree with you.

    TK!itsmee,I may be wrong sometime,but not wrong all the time

    Cheating has no excuse. This is not just a simple mistake. Sorry. You cheat, you leave. End of it. I'd be a sucker to keep someone who cheated on me. Cheating would just show me the level they held me on, which would be, bottom of the barrel. No thanks. I'm better than that. The only people I can see who would give excuse to a cheater are cheaters themselves or have thought about cheating or people who are death afraid of being alone (which is not a good way of existing).

    facebook, you are one is perfect all the time. But infidelity is a choice one makes to break a promise that should never be broken. The intimacy between a couple should not be compromised because someone isn't "perfect". I'm speaking from both sides of the fence. IT IS WRONG. Once the trust is broken, the relationship is never as strong; it's like a snag on a sweater. Even if you don't pull at it, it just gets bigger.

    Bob!Life is not always what you expected it to be,ther're are bumb on the way.Do you know when Jessus said take the blank out your own eye before you can see,what in your brethen...Anyway my point is we are here to learn how to forgive each other mistake.there is more I can say but it would take to long for me to explain.

    A good idea for your unfaithful wife would be to be tested for STDs.  It would be a good idea for you, as well.

    Exclusive or inclusive. The difference between a marriage and a whore house. 


    Rob, U are good. Right on. You have a way of nailing it with an enhanced perspective.

    You have a lot to consider. Do you still love her and want to save the marriage? Do you have young children? I saw this on TV.> Get a sheet of paper and on one side, list everything good about her and your marriage. On the other side, list everything not so good about her and your marriage. Weigh your options then confront her and ask her who she want.  If she says the other man, then divorce her. If she says "I don't know", divorce her. Don't stick around until she do know, She can't have both. If she says you and the marriage is worth saving, and you are willing, then seek counseling. Just don't make a quick decision out of anger.

    Or, you can ignore this post because I never been married, or in this situation.

    Its time to say Good night Irene

    move on , once a cheat always a cheat..

    Does she have any FEP, future earning potential.


    Shame on you!

    I know, just never know how people in their situation may resolve their problems. Actually it may be the reason to leave or stay. You can spank me for my comment if you want.

    zorro - you are right infidelity is sometimes concesual. There are these rich English or other types who do not mind their husband going off for a one night stand here and there - their husbands keep all the comforts and money roling in and they if not consent, turn a blind eye why their relationship may not even be sexual - they remain in comfort and rarely does the husband leave. It is of cours another story entirely if it engenders hurt.Even without the hurt (which is totally unacceptable) or money - it is often excepted by man or woman and yes sometimes women put up with anything just to hava a man - not me but depending on the relationship the women will know and visa versa what they really mean to each other - if that makes sense.

    #1. Keep your head together.

    #2 Keep your head together.

    If this is a sincere question.     Find out from your wife WHY.   

    Then your have choices and decisions to make.            Make the best one for all. 

    i cheated on my husband many years ago. he was an alcoholic and he would rather get drunk than be with me. after a couple of years with no kind of affection or sexual things, i cheated. and you know what, he didn`t even care because he was too busy stayinig drunk. you do need to check out boyh sides. you just dont know what leads to what


    A hard man is good to find.

    carmax: Name and phone number please.

    Just kidding. hehe

    What's good? A good lawyer!

    "How much did you make dear?” “ How was it?” “Are you saving up Tuition money for the next semester?” “ Steak Night?”  “ Some young sweet thing for me?” “ Your mother called so I invited her over.” “Is there another man in your life….let’s celebrate!  ….when are you two love birds going to move in together so we can visit?   


    OPAW asked for a “good idea” for his unfaithful wife. I see that most folk here came up with some pretty hurtful remarks that I did not consider “good”, so I looked for a view of the situation with a more cheerful note and a response to reflect the view of a couple that’s liberalized and devoid of traditional values that OPAW did not discuss. That leaves the curious spectacle of a relationship where such behavior may find these antics agreeable. In such a relationship the “wife” may thus be considered a bread winner by her services

    Your gonna miss me when I'm Gone   Brooks & Dunn  says it best


    And SHE Does

    " Whats good ? "  " Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. "Tell ya what! "

    WHY IS SHE BEING UNFAITHFUL ?  This question is key if u and she want to honestly work on your marriage. Counseling. Or CUT LOOSE.  


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