    despite technology, why do kids get bored quickly with the toys?

    +1  Views: 1539 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Kids imagination is stimulated by their surroundings and upbringing,ie: a child who may be spoiled for choice in the Western World will tire of toys or games that bore them, and that are available at friends homes and at schools, but if you give a child in a Third World country something as simple as a ball or teddy bear they will derive an enormous amount of pleasure from either. I guess what I,m trying to say is the more they have, the less it will be appreciated..... Boy do I hate typing. KOTF

    Why Why well thats a million dollar question I think they are spoilt rotton and exspect far too much in the way of game boxes cell phones ect its not their fault its peers pesure and thier parents what Happened ,,,we all became over protective dont go out to play if you do go out take your cell with you Familys dont interact with thier children like going to the park just playing in the street making camps being a child and not growing up too quickly  

    kids get bored easily with toys because once they learn and know it their brain wants to go on to something else.  The brain is always seeking new info.  Now since kids don't have to work and pay the water and PG&E bills they don't have a big chuck of their time dedicated to keeping a roof over their head.  so they can play, play, play all the time.  Once they get that grown up responsibility and have to work to survive, they won't be changing toys so often.  they're be trying to sleep so they can go to work.  But you know humans love to learn about what ever it is that catches their interest.  even we seek out new things when we get bored.  which some people never get bored, they just get interested in one thing or another.  Curiosity is the word, and its a great thing.  If we keep that curiosity going in kids and stimulate it with something good and interesting . . . that's how we get scientist and great musicians and artists.  if they get bored and we let them remain bored at crutial points in their lives . . . that's how we get unmotivated people and maybe even leading to criminal behavior, because of falling into the wrong unmotivated situations.

    They constantly need to be entertained. I blame the parents for that. For one thing, they have too many toys and games. Cut out the toys, let them get creative.

     my guess is the novelity wears off regardless of how old you may be, i think giving a kid memories like going to an amusement park, a weekend camping trip..(ect)  will outlast any toy in the world..

    A childs mind is a developing thing that needs continual stimulation and that stimulation does not come from bell ringing flashy toys.

    Watch a childs eyes if you want to see stimulation at work.

    Firstly with a toy, then watching a eagle dive and catch a fish.

    No comparison which is more stimulating.

    As a child I had few toys but my mind was continualy being stimulated at the wonder of thing around me, a cow giving birth, wheat pushing up through the dirt to grow and change from green to brown to harvest. Finding that new flower in the paddock, I was stimulated then and I reap the benefits today.


    makes total sense, peoplelover!

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