    what do you do if you have probaited a will in the uk.and want to reseal it in jamaica but have no money

    and you have two sisters who are not named on the will and is takeing control of ever thing against the will

    0  Views: 319 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    With no money about all you can do is watch TV and drink a cold one . No money is the  same as saying I am going to a butt kicking contest ,I cant fight and I have no stick or bat . Just how do you think that will turn out ????? Following your plan You will have two jurisdictions which complicates things immensely . Start a fight with one foot on either side of the ditch no weapons , harmonious out come here is unlikely . Delaying tactics are expensive so how long will the sisters wait or continue the fight  if you delay . Compromise is a bitter pill but coming to one here allows both parties to win   and expedites this whole thing .   Good Luck

    well depending on the size of estate, you could find a Jamaican lawyer who could take 'X' amount of fees once the re-sealing is done and the assets are ok to be liquidated.  Normally the lawyers charge about $500 + - . So give him a bit more after resealing is done. Make sure you have the contingency agreement signed to avoid any problems. 

    Now your sisters. They are not named beneficiaries but appear to be contesting the Will. May be its too late as the Will has been Probated. So try pursuing with the Jamaican lawyer.

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