6 Answers
If it,s a cull I,m in favour of it, if it,s for " sport " no way. They cull the deer here in Scotland for conservation purposes and it works, but there are still some who disagree.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Totally not for this at all and ed I understand where you are coming from as Ann said Nature takes care of it selve why do we have to poke our noses into everything its all to do with big bucks and Killing SPORT
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
No. About 5 winters ago there was so much snow, that half of all the wild animals died. Deer, Moose, Bears and Foxes. There are very few around any more. I am totally against hunting anything. This year there are no acorns on the trees. Which means more will die this winter from starvation. Nature takes care of itself. It is all about money for the state and I find it disgusting. Moose hunt is the worst. These animals are so docile, they just stand there while beeing killed. There was a young bear earlier this year who ran around in my yard. I was outside. All he did, was hugging trees . I was not afraid of him. But Chesters barking, finally made him leave. That bear was so comical.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |