    What are your thoughts on the bear hunt? Do you believe they're should be open season on them?

    I hear many guns going off as I sit here on this rainy nasty day. Can't believe their actually hunting in this lousy weather.

    +3  Views: 507 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    If it,s a cull I,m in favour of it, if it,s for " sport " no way. They cull the deer here in Scotland for conservation purposes and it works, but there are still some who disagree.

    ed shank

    We currently have a major problem with black bear. They reproduce like crazy. In a five hundred square mile area it is reported that there are 3,500 adults. Given that 2/3 of that area is developed it has many people jumpy, me for one. I see bear on my property several times a day. The largest killed last year was 1,036 LBS about 200 feet from my back door. The kill here is necessary.

    Totally not for this at all and ed I understand where you are coming from as Ann said Nature takes care of it selve why do we have to poke our noses into everything its all to do with big bucks and Killing SPORT

    ed shank

    Mel, bears are unpredictable. They can easily overpower an adult let alone a child. I do respect your compassion for these animals.

    ed shank thank you for your kind words I do really understand in what your saying and as I dont live near any bears its very easy for be to be on my high horse! thanks sweetheart xooxoxox

    No. About 5 winters ago there was so much snow, that half of all the wild animals died. Deer, Moose, Bears and Foxes. There are very few around any more. I am totally against hunting anything. This year there are no acorns on the trees. Which means more will die this winter from starvation. Nature takes care of itself. It is all about money for the state and I find it disgusting. Moose hunt is the worst. These animals are so docile,  they just stand there while beeing killed. There was a young bear earlier this year who ran around in my yard. I was outside. All he did, was hugging trees . I was not afraid of him. But Chesters barking, finally made him leave. That bear was so comical.

    ed shank

    Ann, I don't want to see the wanton slaughter of any animal but they have attacked and killed two elderly people in this area last year. They don't just eat berries, they will kill and eat you if they are hungry enough. They are being squeezed out out by man but what other option is there. I have small children who visit me regularly and I fear leaving the alone for a second, which at times prevents me from addressing commitments that I have. The kill here is necessary.

    I can see your point where you live, but not where I live. No one has been attacked by a bear here.I am still against killing of any wild animal. Black bears can have 3 0r 4 cups a year, but many do not survive, since they are born in February and March.

    My neighbor went bear hunting yesterday and was supposed to come back this Sunday. I saw him this morning and asked him what happened. He said, "I was driving down the road and saw a sign that said 'Bear Left' , so I came home."

    My neighbor went bear hunting yesterday and was supposed to come back this Sunday. I saw him this morning and asked him what happened. He said, "I was driving down the road and saw a sign that said 'Bear Left' , so I came home."

    When deer hunting in arcadia kansas my friend and i came across a small brown bear. Scared us because that is something not expected, in Kansas. We left it alone.  That really made our day.

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