    my wife seems to always go online to get every ones else opinion about me instead of asking me. should i worry?

    im wooried that she is cheating

    +1  Views: 1616 Answers: 22 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: cheating

    Thanks for your comment raptorred. I think she's sour grapes to old... itsme needs to lighten up a bit. Never mind love, glad you enjoyed it. It's good to have a laugh every now and again.

    22 Answers

    Talk to her about it.



    I don`t know that your opinion of youself would be all that enlightening.

    As far as cheating, I assume you mean having an affair or such and not cheating by getting the opinion of others, Well time will tell but if you are insecure why not ask her.

    Don't just talk to her, LISTEN  too


    So good.


    She probably just wants her feelings verified. It's a security issue, I think. It works that way for me...............

    ""If you resembled this guy, I'd go online too.


    Your taste in art is really really getting to me. It embarasses me to be on a site where this type of cartoon is shown frequently.
    Raptorred asked a legitimate question and you answered her with one of your disgusting pictures. What must she think of us.
    I've thought of leaving over this.

    RAPTORRED; I don't think she's cheating. I come on here all the time to get a consensus of opinions. If ten people say, "I think she's cheating" and one lone voice says, "I don't think she's cheating" You have a message that you might listen to ... or you might not listen to it.

    There are some people on here who blow me away with their wisdom. Watch for them.


    itsmee, well said -it debases this forum.

    that one's gross, with his nose picking

    Are you jealous?

    You have probably given her bad advise, although well intentioned in the past. Don't sweat it I'm in the same boat most of the time.

    maybe she just needs a friend , are you that friend ?


    yep, sometimes wives need friends, beside their husbands to talk to. A happy wife, a happy life.

    You must start to talk as your over active mind will start to wonder please talk to her asap good luck

    Try to make friends with the people she is talking with and ask them to give her the opinion that is yours.

    If she was cheating I doubt that she would be on here talking about it.

    Seems to me she would do one or the other, not both.

    As for talking about you??  who knows??  who's your wife?

    There are two parts to your question, and I'm a little confused.  Your wife is online asking for others' opinions in lieu of asking you for your opinion?  Your wife is asking people online their opinion of you?  Finally, you are wondering if your wife is cheating, but you don't give any basis for this concern. 
    If your wife is asking others for their opinions and not you, my thought would be that she doesn't value your opinion, doesn't care what you think, doesn't think you will give her an honest opinion, doesn't think you care about the issue at hand.  
    If your wife is asking others for their opinions of you, I would be pretty upset.  It seems very disrespectful and childish to practically Facebook her contacts' list to critique you.  Your relationship should be confidential....I don't know in what context she is seeking opinions, but this seems very cruel. (This is how I roll, though, generally expect the worst if someone is talking about me.)
    Lastly, there appears to be no reason for you to fear she is unfaithful.  UNLESS:  she is making surreptitious phone calls, not where she is supposed to be when she is supposed to be there, making lame excuses for not being home when time and habit have her at home.  An affair requires TIME.  If you can't find TIME that she could be devoting to an affair, get that silly idea out of your head.
    AND, as you've been told by countless people, talk with her about your concerns. LISTEN,too!

    i would not worry one bit.  she is doing her thing for what ever reason.  but if your thing on this topic is curiosity, why don't to try to have a conversation with her, about her asking others about you, and what you do, and way.  now if  that does not work and you are still curious as to why your wife ask others about you, instead of asking you, get a third party in on the conversation when you speak with her.  A fair minded friend, family member.  I always love counselors and therapist.  Go for it.


    i don't think RaptorRed and wife need any professional counselings ---- YET. But, that wouldn't hurt though.

    If you don't trust her, game is over. Otherwise let online keep her busy. Does she share that with you? Ask her. Listen and be helpful.

    Why does she not have a mind of her own ? ? ?

    Perhaps she knows you so well she would already know what you would say, so she's just asking for another point of view.Try explaining that you would also like to be asked

    raptorred, i'm sorry.  i missed the part about you are worried she is cheating.  i say get a counselor and you three talk.  see what she really wants & also what you really want.

    You aren't  the Pepper Spraying cop are you ?

    The little voice is always right . IF you listen or not is up to you .  Thats all I have to say on this matter . Good Luck .                                       Bill

    maybe when she asks you questions,  you give her a facetious answer, or an evasive answer, or no answer at all. She has to get her information from somewhere.

    Hide her computer.

    Yes.  She is trying to justify leaving you and taking your money.

    Perhaps you both need to go to Marriage guidance where your differences can be discussed openly with an objective person. If I were her husband and she were to do this I would feel grossly betrayed Does anything you say mean anything to her that she needs a second opinion - oh my.Please talk about this together and if you both want professional help get it - and oh my not from the internet certainly lowers the tone unless they are professional. 


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