    i need a good clinic for my little boy his getting alot of weight' he is 12 years old

    my doctor alway said exircse.alot alot and that it,so i need a good doctor

    +2  Views: 440 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Proper food and exercise. I do not know where you live so I can't look up doctors in your area. If his doctor says exercise, then he does not feel the weight gain is a medical issue. Buy less fattening foods, limit his meal intake to reasonable portions and no snacks unless it's fruit, veggies or non fattening snacks. People never want to admit it but most feed their kids all the wrong foods and do not make them go outside and burn off calories. Also, get him on water, water, juice with sugar, no soda and limit milk if you give him whole milk. 


    Totally agree, Colleen, bad diet is also an issue with tooth decay and parents refuse to admit the cause.

    Really bad time for a boy to be packing on pounds.  Junior high can be brutal. 

    First:   Find out WHY he is gaining weight.  He may be secretly eating.  You may be putting too much food on the table.  You may have the wrong foods in the refrigerator or cupboard.  
    Replace the crackers, cakes, cookies, whole milk, candy, chips, soda.....all that kind of stuff. Get fruit (canned in light syrup, fresh, dried, even frozen), carrots, celery, cucumbers, single serving cheese, WATER......     SUMMARY:  Make sure YOU are not sabotaging your son!!!

    Second:  Many times a depressed person will overeat (yes, many quit eating).  Is there something going on in your son's life that is difficult?  Trouble at school (there are a myriad of things that can be troublesome at school).  Is there a problem at home?  Sibling problems, absent parent, you have a boyfriend your son doesn't like?  TALK TO YOUR SON.  Does he realize that he is getting heavier???

    Third:  You do not need to rush a 12 year old boy to the doctor for some magic pills.  You need to teach him how to eat properly and how to exercise adequately.  Contact the school nurse; make an appointment and talk to the nurse about your concerns and ask for suggestions.   

    Four:  There may be a medical reason for him to be gaining weight; probably not, but it's always a possibility...

    Interesting article in Sunday Telegraph, about obesity and lack of exercise. Amish men and women were fitted with pedometers which revealed that Amish men  did about 18,000 steps a day and women about 14,000. The average for most Brits is 3,000-4,000. The Amish had about 4% obesity rate compared with 31% of Americans. The answer is obvious- get off your butt !

    Sounds like it's down to you to change him, stop feeding him so much and get him exercising.It's touch being a parent but you have to do it for his sake.

    Why do you want the name of "a good" doctor?

    Do you mean you want one that will pander to your son?

    Exercise and diet is my suggestion because the "bad" doctor has probably checked for underlying medical condtions that could be responsible.

    So exercise and diet.

    Can never work out why people go to a doctor and then ignore the advice.

    you said the doctor said "excercise a lot". Does he follow that? Looks like you are waiting for magic solution- There isn't one. ASK him to get off his butt and get active and watch diet. Fix him now before he gets problems in school. You will have to work as hard and deciplined to get him ok.

    juani 1st start to interact with your child and do exercise with him make it fun put the whole family on a diet if you can so he wont feel he is left out when walking with him make it a game try looking for nature things like acorns and go on real long walks if you have a dog take the dog if you dont borrow one get to the gym if you can afford it if not get in a routine and make a list with food and exerise and keep tp it you can give treats at the week end but low cal ones good luck it will be worth it and who said its going to be easy it wont but stick with it

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